Thursday, September 05, 2013

The Last Minnesota Morning

I am always happy-sad on my last day here. Happy to see my little family at the end of the day but sad to leave my Linda behind. I have had such a great time with Linda and Mark, so much fun with Roseann, a great visit with Val and Mike, well its just hard.  You guys get it.

Tomorrow I am sure I will be zonked out so I will 'see' you next week. Thanks for coming on my vacation with me!!  Xo


Anonymous Pat McDonald said...

Thank you for sharing your vacation. I know the feeling...want to come home but will miss everyone in MN> Wish I was in MN. right now. It's 100 at home today and humid. Have relatives in Moose it there. Saw them in June so I've had my fun for the summer. Have to wait until next year to go again. Welcome back to Ca. in Sept.. Pat mCdONALD

11:02 AM  
Blogger Helen Philipps said...

I enjoyed reading about your lovely vacation and happy times with your cousin and family. Hope you are happily settled back at home now. Have a great weekend.
Helen x

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Sandy Berry said...

Is Marie Claire, French edition, still as good as it used to be? Nowhere to buy it around here.

3:21 PM  

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