Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Tuesday Morning

Good morning! I can't believe my Minnesota vacation is almost over. This morning was cool and with the open windows I could hear the bees buzzing in the flowers outside and it was so lovely.

This past weekend Linda and Mark took me up north to Duluth and a little beyond to the North Shore of Lake Superior.  What a beautiful sight.  With the road construction along the scenic hiway we had a happy diversion to a spot with easy access to the beach so we walked along the shore. The big flat rocks were warm and many people had come to picnic and just lay out and soak up some sun. I am not sure in all my travels that I had even been to one of the great lakes and it was a wonderful experience.

Since then the weather has really cooled off and been a perfect slice of heaven. Yesterday Cousin Valerie and Mike her husband came by to say hello and it was great to see them. Each day of my vacation has been wonderful and I am so grateful for Linda and Marks hospitality.  I wish that Linda and I lived closer so that I could see her more often as she is a sweet friend and coconspirator.

Thanks for all the comments on my ClubHouse. I am excited to work on the next ones when I get home. If you haven seen it yet head over to the Quilt Show and take a peek!! (Www.thequiltshow.com)

Well the coffee is brewed so its time to grab a cup. I hope you are all well my special sweet friends. Xoxo


Blogger Laurie said...

Welcome to our part of the world!

6:13 AM  
Blogger Deborah said...

I've enjoyed your photos on Instagram! Fun following along on your journey.

6:17 AM  
Blogger circle r motel said...

I've never paid to be a member of thequiltshow.com. I have so many other things going on. Can you say what other projects that you will be doing that might entice me and maybe others to pay for a membership to that website?

6:17 AM  
Blogger mascanlon said...

Oh I love the Great Lakes. growing up in Chicago Michigan has to be my favorite of course. And my brother has his sail boat up on Superior a couple of times when we have been in MN in the summer have had a chance to sail there, just stunning! Enjoy the end of your vacation Pam.

6:22 AM  

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