Thursday, August 22, 2013


So how's the week going for you?  I'm busily working away on stuff, but it's all on stuff that I can't show you right now... but soon!!!  I'm off for a week of vacation to see my cousin Linda next week and I'm trying to get all my stuff in order before I go!  
After a long day I sat down with an advance copy of Alex's new Scrap Quilting book.  Oh My Goodness.. she included me in on the list of acknowledgements and I was just so touched.  I'm not going to lie, I got a little teary over it.

alex's book

I think you're going to enjoy this book!
Winter Romance in Pam Kitty Picnic
I had hoped for some real sewing to show, but I didn't get to anything fresh and new, so here's some photoshop sewing I did recently!  It's my Winter Romance pattern done in Pam Kitty Picnic.  I keep looking at my strike offs and dreaming about really sewing with it. 

pam kitty picnic
I'm just a little afraid when it comes I'll get stage fright and be afraid to cut it!!!
Ok, off to the dentist today.. filling time.  Luckily I'm not fearful and I have the greatest dentist, so it won't be bad at all. Hope I can get some sewing time.  Back to the studio on Friday.   I love busy times!!!  Hope you have a great day! xo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like the floral on the right. Very happy. I like my dentist, too.

4:47 AM  
Blogger Colleen M said...

Didn't you say last week your cousin lives in Minnesota? Hopefully it will have cooled off some before you get here. It has been really hot and sticky here the last couple of days. Just in time for the State Fair. Hope you have a great time while you are here in spite of the weather:)

6:40 AM  
Blogger Melissa P said...

I love seeing your name in the Acknowledgements! "Just being there" is something I appreciate about you too.

7:55 AM  
Blogger Freda's Hive said...

In love with the new stuff. I'd love to put some of it in my new london 2013 quilt. That blue in the left top is CALLING: NANEEETTTTEEE

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Homes in France for Rent said...

I have seen many posts but It is best of all thanks for the whole effort which you made for us.

12:43 AM  

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