Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Good morning... how are you?  Today's the day I am headed to Minnesota for 10 glorious days with my cousin Linda and Mark, her husband.  I'm so excited as we always have so much fun hanging out talking, driving around looking at houses, going to see Roseann THIS YEAR AT THE FAIR!! and having a good visit in general.  I'm not going to lie though, a peek at the weather shows me I'm bringing some of my California  valley hot weather with me. Sorry Minnesota. It might be miserable to have me.  And, as a warm up for all things Minnesota, Sunday night we had dinner with Roseann's son Rob who is here on business. He was very charming and a lovely reflection on his parents.  And don't parents like to hear that? Thanks for meeting up with us for dinner Rob!

Minnesota Vacation
I'll be trying to blog some snippets along the way.. so it's not totally dark here the whole time!  I know we're planning on doing so much fun stuff, including  drinking a lot of coffee in the patio enclosure watching birds and squirrels and catching up on everything that's gone on since my last cup of coffee there May 2012 when I rode back to Minneapolis from spring quilt market with Roseann.   There are going to be a log of random over sized phone photos coming your way I'm sure!

potholders from Beca
My Minnesota mug in style.  Pretty cool.

Ok peeps, Frankie has my suitcase in the car so I better get my act together! xo


Blogger Kristen King said...

I think you sent your weather ahead of you...it is HOT! :) Enjoy your trip, especially seeing Roseann at the fair!

5:55 AM  
Blogger mascanlon said...

How fun!! I have been loving Roseann's fair photos, maybe you can show us some of the fair food! Safe trip!

6:02 AM  
Blogger Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

Yay! Have a great trip to my beautiful state and stay cool!

6:42 AM  
Blogger Sharrieboberry said...

Bon voyage!

6:46 AM  

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