Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Minnesota State Fair

One of the super fun days I had in Minnesota involved a trip the state fair.  Lets just say the people of Minnesota are made of sturdier stuff than me.  I thought since it  is often over 100 degrees here in Livermore I could walk that fair in 97 degree weather.  Feel free to laugh out loud at my silliness.  Although I didn't make it to see the quilts and a lot of stuff along that aisle, I did manage to hold it together long enough to get back to the car, but believe me it was a stretch!  So I saw about  5 hours worth of stuff. And ate the most delicious cream puff I've ever eaten.  But that was it. Too hot!

Rosebud's Cottage
First on the list was a trip to see Roseann at her shop in Heritage Square.  She was so busy we barely had time to chat, but it was great to see her! Her shop there was as adorable as her shop in White Bear Lake.   Luckily we squeezed in a day trip with her later in my vacation, she took Linda and I out shop hopping to a lot of fun places including All In Stitches in Zumbrota. Delightful shop and we had a nice lunch with the owner, Sandy! We had a super day.

Rosebud's Cottage

Rosebud's Cottage
Every year Roseann has something 'on a stick'.. and this time it was the Faster Fido Pin Parker.. many of them sporting some PKM fabric.  She is just so clever I can't stand it. 

Rosebud's Cottage

Rosebud's Cottage
This is the official PKM area.  Roseann told me so many people came in to pick up PKM, it looks like she's cornered the market there.  The evening before someone had come and bought an armful so she was folding fat quarters in the car on the way to the shop that morning so the display would be filled.  That just totally made my day!!! 
Minnesota State Fair
Don't you love the colors? 

Minnesota State Fair

Minnesota State Fair
Had a bite of Linda's Poutine.. interesting!
Minnesota State Fair

Have you seen the movie Butter?  Hilarious.
Minnesota State Fair

Minnesota State Fair

Minnesota State Fair

There was a huge floral display featuring Dr. Seuss.  I guess this is the perfect time to confess we never read Dr. Seuss as kids.   Shocking right? There were lots of great displays, but aside from The Grinch .. well I couldn't identify most characters.

Minnesota State Fair
Minnesota State Fair
Something for everyone in the crop art section.  You know my family loves some Star Trek action!
Minnesota State Fair
I'm sorry. This sign just kills me. Hammertime!

Minnesota State Fair
Mostly I was astounded at the crowds of people. Minnesota folks love the fair, young and old. 
Ok, more later on my trip.  Like usual, in my excitement I've either not taken photos or taken a lot of bad photos.  You'll see, don't worry!! xo

P. S. You can see lots of pictures of crazy stuff on Instagram here.


Blogger Thimbleanna said...

You're too funny PKM! I did laugh out loud at the thought of easily handling 97 in MN. Not being a dry heat and all LOL. It looks like you had a wonderful time. Any fried snickers or twinkies??? And what is a Poutine???

6:07 AM  
Blogger mascanlon said...

Oh yea... 97 and Midwest humidity I am surprised you lasted as long as you did! Tell Anna what Poutine is,....I won't be eating that anytime much less in the heat!

7:54 AM  
Blogger Linzee said...

Great photos...but 97 is too hot for the fair! Surprised Minnesota's largest rabbit was still alive (loved his photo, especially).

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just watched "Butter" on Netflix---I am from Iowa, so parts of it made me feel like I was laughing at myself. The cow made of butter is a state fair institution.

11:34 PM  
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12:42 AM  

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