Rabbit Wrangling
Talk about crazy. The other day I saw this when I went to put my trash cans away... rabbits lounging under my neighbors bushes. You can barely see the little black one on the left.

So I went and tried to herd them into the back yard. Turns out there were SIX rabbits loose and they weren't as tame as Binnie. I ran all over trying to catch those little things. I'm sure it was a sight to be seen.
Anyway, later that day I went back, not satisfied with leaving them out front. They managed to scoot back into the backyard through a tiny little hole in the fence. Phew.
Never a dull moment here people.
Rabbits are just drawn to you. We used to have a rabbit that would show up every evening and hop across the lawn and into the brush.
Now we just have skunks.....
Oh! I wish I could have seen you trying to scoot those little buns into the backyard!. . . I'm picturing arms outstretched, bending over a little, waving your hands to try to get them to move (in the right direction)!
I could have sold tickets!!! :-)
No, really Pam. . . you are such a sweetheart to fuss & worry over those little guys. I hope the neighbors have fixed the little hole in their fence. . . 'Cuz you can't spend all your time shoo-ing little fluffy ones for them! . . . You've got important things to do.. . like quilts to make!
xo Bren
How funny! I totally can visualize the wrangling of the rabbits. A tiny little lasso is in the picture. How cute are they?
I would have bought one of Bren's tickets!
You're such a good neighbor, and so kind to the bunnies. Wish you were my neighbor. And not because of the bunnies... because you're you.
Gads... How did I start my morning feeling like Marlo Thomas?!?
A new career may be in your future......"Bunny Daycare" by Pam There may a market for this and if I were to have a bunny you'd be the one I would trust with my Rabbit :) Or at least you now have a play date when Binnie does come to visit!!! Have a wonderful day. Kathie
I'm just afraid that next week there will be 50 bunnies instead of just the 6...
Oh, how I wish I could have seen that!
I was part of a bunny wrangler team many years ago. WHAT A WORKOUT! I should just herd bunnies and not drive to the gym every day. :D
We can swamp wranging stories...I'm been wrangling the two new kittens we got last Sunday. What fun!
What a cute little bunny! I can just see you out there : )
Were they multiplying right before your eyes?? LOLOL
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