Friday, September 05, 2008
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- Name: PamKittyMorning
- Location: East San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States

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Strawberry Delight


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I sewed a bit today with the windows open and was actually too cool. It felt good.
Rootbeer in a popsicle form. I'm in and in my case it definately doesn't matter. But it should!
I hear ya about the heat. I'm wasting a lot of time at the computer when I'm not working on pincushions. Keep cool!
And I thought it was still hot here. Whoa! 100!?! Wow. In the 80s here in VA. We are getting rain and wind from Hanna. I am staying in and goofing around the house and watching football on Sunday. Have a great weekend!
Wow! Still over 100. California didn't get the Fall memo!!! Sorry!
Eek! It's been warming up here too, but we're nowhere near 100! Yet. Shoot! When you guys get that hot, we are next! No thank you!
I am so sick of this heat I could spit!!!! My yard looks bad, the flowers don't like the heat either and they look sad! Can't wait for cool fall weather.
This weekend I'm going to attempt to get my quilt top finished. My friend and I donate one each year for our local Relay for Life in May and we thought we'd actually get it done before the week before! What a concept!!!!! I sat and pinned through while I watched the RNC last night.
Stay Cool!!
Hot here in Humboldt County too!!! We're talking mid 80's and that, for this summer (cooler than normal on the coast) is HHOOOOTTTTT!!! Making some pajama pants for my daughter:) Kathie
DH just got home so it's time for a cowboy margarita!! Happy trails to you all!!
Oh yeah....PK!!! I love those sugar free chocolate pops also....or homemade blueberry ice cream.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
P.S. I want to commend you on the excellent job you're doing as my "Crappy Commenter". I know I can always count on you!!
I figured it must be hot everywhere else today, as nice as it was here.
I hope to be sewing at least some this weekend. Also doing the flea market on sunday. :-p I have just GOT to start clearing out the clutter!!
So much for your cool days huh?? It's hot here too and I'm frankly sick of it. Can you send some of those cool relief's on a stick my way??
While you are hot, we have been somewhat, but Hannah is coming our way. Although we are inland and will mostly get rain it is the coast of CT that will get strong winds. Let us know how the root beer float bars are. I am curious.
It's cool here in Kentucky. That's so funny to me. The week before last my husband was in Longview, WA. It was in the 90's there, but it was in the upper 70's here.
I love Root Beer, and my husband and I have been on a root beer "kick" (diet, of course!). I haven't seen the root beer ice cream bars. That would be like eating a root beer float on a stick! Hmmm. I may have to go look for those!
I hope to get some sewing done this weekend. Tomorrow my best friend's daughter is having a baby, so I will be there for support. She's having a c-section so it shouldn't take all day. Hopefully, I will get some time to sew a little.
Have fun sewing, and have a great weekend!
Hi My "HOT" friend! I shouldn't rub it in buy it was 50 degrees here this morning and going to be a high of about 74. We had very little HOT weather this summer. It has been beautiful here in the midwest. Not sewing though, working today. Have a great weekend! love ya, Tammy
Yum! Those look good. I used to love root beer floats as a kid.
I'm lucky as it is sunny and in the low 70's here with a gentle breeze. Fall is definitely trying to get here. ROOT BEER FLOATS!! My husband asked me last night what I wanted for dinner and I said "Root Beer Float". ...And we did. Boy, I will look for these.
Not much sewing here. Working on a bathroom renovation and watching the remnants or tropical storm Hanna wash us away. Must have had 6 inches of rain just this afternoon. Keep the heat out there please.
Not a fan of root beer floats (shocking, I know). But these popsicle...s I want to try!
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