Saturday, September 06, 2008
About Me
- Name: PamKittyMorning
- Location: East San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States

MEOW:A Free Pattern

PamKittyPicnic Swatch Booklet!!
Pam Kitty Love Swatch Booklet!!

Pam Kitty Love Free Pattern!!

Pam Kitty Picnic Free Pattern!!

PamKittyMorning Swatch Booklet!!

Strawberry Delight
Blogger's BOM

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Guess What!

My Life!

LOL! Here too. It's bad.
I am right there with's just too darn hot for anything fun! (Except maybe root beer float ice creams)...hope our weekend cools off :)
Unbelievable! Crank up the air conditioning!
OUCH!!!! That's Las Vegas weather!
My husband grew up in SF and he remembers that just when the weather finally got warm it was time to go back to school. Looks like things haven't changed much in 50 years! We live in Houston now where our overnight lows are seldom below 80º in the summer.
New to your blog. I wish our weather in central Calif. would stay in the 80's.
So I guess you don't want to hear that over here in NW Ohio we have our windows open and even that is a little cool? Sorry about the heat. I hate to sweat!!!
UGH!! that's all ..... just UGH!!!!
I know what you mean! Here we are done with our summer rains. . . so we will just have plain old hot (90's) until about. . . oh. . . the beginning of November (!) .
It's this time of year. . . when I really miss living in Minnesota. . . (sigh.)
xo - Bren
I feel your pain here in SoCal!
I'm feeling it too Miss Kitty!!! I'm hatin it big time. Enough already!!
LOL! Just go for it - - if you did you'd see us at Cold Stone.Have a good cool down the next couple of days.
Yeah...get a root beer float. Get two!!!
Hey, I was in Arizona one time and it was 112 degrees at FIVE A.M.!!!!! Yeah, BEFORE the sun came up. No Arizona for me.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
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I know what you mean...I am over all the hot weather as well. Bring on the fall temperatures!!!
NOT gonna say ANYTHING about what our temps were at 9:24 pm. Because I'm a good friend like that. Though I am pretty envious that you can zip over to Dublin with ease for my bubble tea... and I can't.
I am freaking sick and tired of the heat!
Holy crap! That's totally NOT necessary.
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