Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Yak yak yak.

Hi there, wasn't yesterday's Jelly Roll Jam fun?  The quilt was super cute, and there were so many adorable examples out and about.  I particularly loved Kristin's quilt with the tricycle over on Sew Mama Sew.  The Jelly Roll Jam quilt is perfect as it is, but also perfect  for the addition of some applique!  Kimberly did a great job with the video don't you think?

Hexie Garden Atkinson Designs
On to other things.  When I was in Minnesota, Roseann gave me a copy of Terry's Hexie Garden pattern.  She had a wonderful version with a dark background, you can see it here. I love the pattern cover version as well,  so I chose my favorite white dot and whipped out this pink and red block, thinking, as Roseann had suggested, a pretty pillow.  I know, I'm up to my neck in pillows here at the Pillow Repository, but it's so cute. Now all I can think of is do I have enough of this to make a whole quilt or how soon will this be here?  OH THE CHOICES.  
But seriously, look at that cute pattern cover.
In the meantime, I'm also working on my ClubHouse projects for fall. Can't show you those yet, but I think they're fun, and I hope you think they're fun too.  Even the small projects are time consuming because of the preparation that goes into having all the partially done bits and pieces for step outs.  It will be a while before I get to sewing on video.  Talking and waving around the project is pretty much the only thing I can do right now.
Ok that's pretty much it on my end, what's going on over on your side of the screen?xop


Blogger mascanlon said...

This is so cute I have to avert my eyes. The list is already so long I will never through it! And at first I thought EPP but then I saw how it came together...very clever!!

5:45 AM  
Blogger Sharrieboberry said...

Oh my! That IS cute!

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a lovely hexie garden piece you've made. I haven't taken the hexie plunge yet but may ... someday :) I gave your blog a little shout-out on mine yesterday, that's how excited I was to discover you here.


2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoy your blog posts and I consciously put into practice your concepts as they allow us to.. tavlor

5:45 AM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

Ok, "here at the Pillow Repository" made me laugh out loud -- you're a funny, funny girl PKM! Love that cute little quilt block!

8:29 AM  

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