Where does the time go?

Even some Swell sewing!!!
Behind the curtain there are a couple of rolling carts .. something has to corral all that miscellaneous stuff that previously was just in bags and jammed on top of my table. Bit by bit I'm moving stuff back in, organizing, tossing, whatever it takes. But I'm so happy here. The counter is the perfect height for cutting. I have my tv on the end you can't see. My sewing table is on the opposite wall, and the ironing board can be moved around for convenience. Anyone working in a bedroom in a 60's house knows it's a limited space.
Those of you reading for a while you'll be shocked to know I cleared off my sewing table. A while back Nicole had a little messiest table contest and I think I came in second. Not something to be proud of that's for sure.
Ok, guess I should get to work. Just a few more things to get in that room. I'm off to Elizabeth's this morning to grab some blocks for blanket stitching. Hope you all have a happy day my sewing room sweethearts.
It seemed to work perfectly no matter where I sat it, and then I couldn't stop taking pictures of it. Kind of silly I suspect.
But they all make me happy, I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I left them all in.
Thanks Vickie, its completely cute, no matter where I put it!
Told you.
5. Shouldn't that BBQ count for 2?
6. I compulsively recycle all kinds of paper, right down to tearing apart packaging to remove plastics or those little windowy things. I have paper recycling bags in a lot of rooms to collect the random scraps of paper. It drives my family nuts.
7. I'm alternately thrilled and extremely embarrassed by too much attention. Hard to imagine huh?
So who am I going to tag.. Chris because she tagged me for the Spreader of Love award which pleased me no end. I'm always surprised that people even read my blog!!! I'm going to tag Mary as well, we don't hear enough from Mary. I want to tag Sandy first, before she can tag me. Of course can't leave out Jen or Laurie! Ok, who else, how about Tracy. She's already frantically getting ready for market... she has time for this, right???What about Nanette? She's a lot of fun. And I think lastly, I'll tag Linda. She's a local girl and I haven't seen her in ages.
Ok, chat with you later!
And speaking of one thing and another, have you signed up for Cyndi's newsletter? I just printed off my free pattern, and its the most adorable pdf! Scoot on over and get signed up. I can't wait for Cyndi's new book to be out, I want my own personal autographed copy. Did you see that cherry quilt???? Splendid!
Ok, my sweet little cherry blossoms, I'm off for a day with my girlie. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
I can't help it, what an awesome name for a shop. Dirty Laundry is the (slightly) naughty half of the The Laundry Company.
This is our host Kirk (I hope I have that right) and he was a lot of fun. There is so much to look at there, and Elizabeth and I both came away with bags-o-goodies. There were some favorites of mine there, like Mr. Bacon vs Monsieur Tofu and Unicorn vs. Narwal. Hilarious.
Just down the street a tad we saw something interesting in the window of another shop. Thank goodness we had stopped!
Birds of a Feather was a beautiful store chock full of glittery goodness. I found a few things but look at that bag Elizabeth is carrying!
Their website has a lot of great photos on it.
Ok, enough for today my friends. I'm tired. Bret and I have been on the lookout for different shows since all our regular shows are now on reruns. We've started watching NCIS, and it turns out that we're like TV junkies at night. We belly up to the TV bar and just keep asking for one more now that we have season one on DVD.
Maybe that explains the hair.