Chasing the Moon
I was on the way to the market when I saw the eclipse.. I'd forgotten about it. What a dork. It was lovely, I kept driving to find a good place to sit and watch. Dinner can wait.
I watch our local KRON4 news here and they used to have this really great science and weather man, Brian Hackney. He'd keep us on top of all the interesting things. I miss Brian.

And speaking of missing people, anyone who knows the UPS guy Jeremy who delivers to the shop, tell him HI for me. I miss him and his jokey ways. Today I had some emails and a call from some of 'my people' from the shop. It was nice to catch up. I do miss my peoples.
Ok, enough blab blab blab... stunt sewing tomorrow..happy Thursday moonbeams!
We missed it ;-(... too many clouds, but the rain has been a treat... any excuse to make pot roast, build a fire and snuggle!
Happy Thursday to you!
We missed it here in the Phoenix area too because of the clouds. We've had a very rainy winter which is nice. I guess we'll have to wait until 2010 for the next one! I hope you find your UPS guy soon!
I noticed Nations in your picture. I grew up in Fremont and we always go to Nations when I was in High School, many years ago.....30ish years. They had the best burgers and huge breakfast plates. I will have to stop by the next time I'm up in the Bay Area. Have a great week. Heading up to Asilomar on Sunday for a week of fun.
The eclipse was awesome! I was driving home from work when it started. Good thing I wasn't observing the eclipse during rush hour cuz I wasn't paying very good attention to the road. :-)
We don't get the moon over here on the less fashionable side of town. Glad to see the pics!
We have a great UPS guy too. I am very attached to him. He always has a smile and a minute to say hi.
The eclipse was awesome, wasn't it? I saw it clear as can be here in Salinas.
Too many clouds and rain for us to see the moon! We have a great UPS guy at our shop, do get kind of attached to them. I know that your peoples miss you just as much. Have a great Tuesday Pam :-)!
Happy Sewing! It was great to see you & E yesterday : )
Darn it, I didn't even know there was an eclipse! I need to get out more... (or stay in more?) Good think you had your camera handy! Yes, I will be at Market in Portland. You?
Hey Pam, I love reading your blog every time you post-you always crack me up. Anyways, I was nominated for a Spreader of Love blog award so I am in turn nominating you. You make me smile.
The eclipse was amazing and you got some great shots. I managed to capture a blob of light. We were out to dinner in town last night, and it was so cool to see so many people out and looking to the sky.
But this comment is not about how cool the eclipse was... it's about I'm seriously missing Nation's and seeing it in the last photo makes me want to weep.
Great Pictures! I mentioned it to my son, but we forgot about it. Thanks for sharing!
While I didn't get to see the elipse itself, we certainly enjoyed the benefits. The night sky was dark and filled with the most brilliant display of stars I've seen in a long time! Here is the Seattle area the break from overcast skies was welcome... ;)
We were so excited about the eclipse and couldn't wait to see it. We were driving back to Phoenix from Tuscon and the sky was clear and we could see it starting. Unfortunately, as we got closer to Phoenix the sky became cloud covered and we missed the whole thing!! Argh...we were very disappointed. So thanks for your pictures!
The eclipse was really cool. I was so surprised that the weather cooperated! Have fun stunt sewing!
LOL, Pam, kindred spirits here, I pulled over on the way home from work to sit and stare! And Brian? he's still around, I think he does View from the Bay or some show like that. My friend from work used to date him!
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