Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Perfect 10 Quilts!

Hi there! I'm back with this weeks Perfect 10 blocks.  More cheerful fabric from my Flower Sacks layer cake make my blocks happy! Also, candy. Hard to believe that we're in the 4th week of our quilt along.  Are you making blocks?


This week was Cookies and Cream and Cotton Candy. Yum.  Both blocks very fun to make.

Weird coincidence, I hadn't had cotton candy in years but when I was visiting Nanette, her daughter Jaime  brought home a bag of legit cotton candy from a store.  OMG I didn't know they made such a thing.  Of course I searched all over once I was at home and found the only version we had, which was kind of a smooshed version.  I made a little cone out of paper for my photo but it looked clumpy and weird, so when I found the cotton candy gum I upgraded my photo. 

Still, my heart wasn't in it for the gum, so here's the real cotton candy. I commit to my theme people. (#wierdo)
Hey did you see that Barb and Mary have a new ruler out ? It's the Double Wide Dresden 4 patch template.  SO CLEVER.  You can read about it here on their blog. I confess I don't always get around to keeping up with blogs but that cute table runner caught my eye.  LOVE IT. 
Ok, hope you're sewing along.  See you next week.    I'm working on my Swell Christmas quilt  and really making some progress.  Lots of pinning so it's slow going. Maybe I'll have an update! Hope you're well ! xo 


Blogger Podunk Pretties said...

Haven't had cotton candy in forever, I think I'll keep it that way...Ha! I also wanted to let you know a me and friend talk of you and your fabric often. I consider myself a collector Lakehouse, buying and rarely using. How hard would it be to reprint some of your most loved prints into one line? We both would love bolts and bolts!

5:35 AM  
Blogger Little Quiltsong said...

Your blocks are so cute. I too haven't had cotton candy in years, but I remember their sticky goodness :)!

3:46 AM  
Blogger Carla said...

Can't remember the last time I had cotton candy but that's okay. Love your blocks. #8 is my fav. Sweet

6:47 AM  

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