Wednesday, October 02, 2013

A Big Surprise

So how's this for totally crazy! When I was at Quilting in the Garden my friend Nancy told me that my blog was on a list of quilting blogs in McCalls Quilting November/December issue!  You know I had to race out and track down that magazine post haste! What list could I possibly be on?

Holy cow people look at that list!!!! I can't even believe I'm on it. "Reliably Wonderful".. and look at who else is on the list!!!! YIKES, pretty impressive people.  I'm so excited about it and of course now really have to step up my game a bit!! Thanks to the people at McCalls and thank you friends for coming here and having coffee with me.  Just knowing I'm on YOUR list makes me happier than a clam.
Ok, today I will download my classroom photos, I had the best time yesterday sewing with everyone in Laura's class.  She and Alex .. well I'll tell you tomorrow.  xo


Blogger mascanlon said...

Oh yea! I saw that last week, didn't you know Ms Wonderful? LOL. ( but I agree, I enjoy my coffee with you in the AM)

5:40 AM  
Blogger Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

Wonderful, I agree too!!

6:00 AM  
Blogger Junebug said...

I've been a follower for a long, long time. I didn't need the list to let me know how much I enjoy your blog. But congrats for making the list!!!

6:44 AM  
Blogger donna said...

Yeah! Congratulations, that is so exciting. I have been a following you for long time. Love your blog and all it's goodness.

7:04 AM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

Yay! Congratulations! Now they know what we know!

7:23 AM  
Blogger Melissa P said...

It's nice to know other people are paying attention--people like those at McCall's. You totally deserve the recognition!

Can't wait to hear about the class.

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is such exciting news! Now the whole quilting world will know what we, your coffee mates already know, you are reliably wonderful as well as kind and humble. Not many people can say that. Just stay the way you are don't get a big head ok. xx

10:10 AM  
Blogger Library Gal Quilts said...

Congrats PKM! Always glad to see a few cheery words and pixs from one of my all time favorite gals!

11:31 AM  
Blogger Goosegirl said...

Yay!!!!!! So fun, and very very true!

1:30 PM  
Blogger Nancy B said...

I don't always comment, but I follow you, too. Congratulations on the mention.

Happy Sewing!

5:34 PM  

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