Monday, September 30, 2013

Quilting in the Garden-2013

Hello Monday!  Did you have a good weekend?  Lovely weekend here, it was Quilting in the Garden weekend and it couldn't have been more perfect. The good weather, the excellent quilts and the wonderful people.  Saturday I had a great time helping out Alex for about an hour, then wandering the show with friends Deb and Keiko. Sunday I met up with Deb and Debbie and we had coffee, then Debbie and I walked around the show again.  I ran into a bunch of fun people that I've missed seeing for a while.  Sandy Klop was this years featured artist.  Sandy doesn't shy away from a challenge to say the very least.  She's so sweet and funny and kind and humble and she's a huge talent.  We're lucky here in the bay area to have so many amazing quilters.  So here's a ton of photos. I'm sure if you try Little Bluebell and Sew'n Wild Oaks over the next couple of days you'll see some good photos of the event as well.  If you went and posted pictures leave your info in the comments...

sandy klop
Sandy, super adorable, always laughing and enjoying herself!

quilting in the garden

quilting in the garden

quilting in the garden

quilting in the garden

quilting in the garden

quilting in the garden

True story. Deb, Keiko and I were looking at that basket quilt, Sandy's Plaid Baskets. I love it. And I said (you loud) 'that one is totally doable, look how big those baskets are".  Then the next looking at the photo and that amazing leaf border I just burst out laughing.  Sometimes I'm ridiculous.

quilting in the garden

Pam Kitty Morning siting in this quilt!  Made my day.

quilting in the garden

quilting in the garden

quilting in the garden

quilting in the garden

In the fall Alden Lane has heirloom apples grown in Sebastopol.  Sleeping Beauty were my favorite this year. Super delicious.

Keiko clark

Keiko, couldn't be cuter! She teaches at Prairie Queens Quilt Shop in San Jose.

quilting in the garden

quilting in the garden

Alex Anderson
Alex, always chatting it up.  I'm excited to attend the Market Basket class with her tomorrow. I'm sure we'll be separated by the end of the first hour.

quilting in the garden

One of my favorites, by Sandy.

quilting in the garden

It's a lovely venue, and I look forward to it next year!

Quilting in the Garden 2014

Ok, tomorrow I'm off to my quilt class so I'll see you back here Wednesday! xo


Blogger Thimbleanna said...

Aha! You're slipping. You used "super delicious" in a sentence with food, not fabric. Is that even allowed? 'Cause you know, I'm the super delicious police from a few years back.

Perhaps, instead of being critical, I could help. This would be the more proper PKM usage:
Quilts in the Garden was super delicious this year.

You're welcome. ;-D

8:02 AM  
Blogger Geoff's Mom said...

Looks so fun! Wish I was there...Love all the quilts!

11:44 AM  
Blogger Freda's Hive said...

Wow what a great event. Sandy is a delight, really. I think she's amazeballs. So you had a good weekend. Jeally.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Sherri said...

I have to get there one of these days...thanks so much for your fun post!

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Beverly @ My Sew Sweet Studio said...

Such a beautiful place for a quilt show. Quilts, flowers, fresh fruits and veggies, creative people getting together...can't get any better than that. Thanks for sharing a fun time, Pam.

7:53 AM  

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