Friday, September 20, 2013

Sunny Days

Hi there, happy Friday! What's on your agenda for today and this weekend, anything fun?  I'm finally getting around to pre-cutting for my class with Laura Nownes. Have I mentioned it like a million times that I'm taking the class at Alden Lane? Because it feels like I keep repeating myself.  Probably because I'm pretty excited about it.


And I'm in luck, the cover quilt uses three fabric backgrounds so I'm totally going to do that. I don't even have to do any fancy calculating, she's done it all for me.  And look at my sunshiney selections!  You know my love affair with my yellow on white prints, I've waxed on about that a lot as well.  What haven't I yakked about really?  I've rounded out my two yellow on whites with Holly's pretty yellow on white dot from Sweet Things.  I love the two tone dots, and how it goes so perfectly with my prints.  Plus how cute, big dots little dots.  Is that like fabric alliteration?

Anyway my pal Alex has treated me this class, and will be sitting there next to me.  I hope Laura doesn't have to separate us.  And speaking of Alex, I but you're wondering if I'll ever ever chose the winner of those two books!  Well YAHOO for One Line Lane who said "This sounds like a great book! Thanks for a chance to win it." and  Helen who said "I love scrap quilts and am always on the look out for great patterns that I can use some of my scraps to make. I have quite a collection of scraps because I can't seem to throw any out if they seem to be a usable size."  Ladies email me your addresses so I can get those books in the mail to you! 
Ok everybody! Thanks for the nice comments on my strike offs yesterday! I am IN LOVE with those cats and those little squirrels and the bird and the big.  I know Holly worked so hard making that so perfectly perfect and I appreciate it so much.   Happy weekend  everyone! xoxo


Blogger mascanlon said...

I am beyond jealous. With kids in Livermore now I was excited about Alden Lane show and maybe a class but its the only weekend this Fall we can't be up there, family wedding in Tx. And I love that quilt so much!! I know you'll have enough fun for us all!

5:47 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

I'm hoarding my white with yellow birds. I am afraid to use it. I love it too much. I shouldn't be afraid. I have 4 yards!

8:56 AM  

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