Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The last day

Who wouldn't enjoy this little face greeting them in the morning? It's a blurry face, I know, she's not as good with the posing like the rest of the crew around here. But sweet.
Well sweet some of the time, some of the time she's shredding my hands and arms trying to escape my grip.
I'll miss the evening rabbity walk, where I let her loose out back to run around and stretch her legs while I clean her cage. (constantly supervised of course.. yikes) She'll chase us up and down the back lawn which is hilarious. (probably to her, she's manipulating us for sure)
This someone, Rocket, will not miss her. At all. Anyway, Frankie is now demanding Binnie back and it looks like I'll have to comply.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Minny Muu

Isn't all this Minny Muu fabulous? I just love how happy it looks. Very cheerful. I am thinking of a little plan for this pile. It's still in the colored pencil phase since I'm busy with my stunt sewing.
Did you see towards the bottom of the light pile, a creamy color with YELLOW DOTS. I know. I get all misty thinking about it.

Maybe I'll cut into this soon, I'll keep you posted. Now, back to work! Those piles of fabrics won't sew themselves!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cutting and Sewing

Been working on my stunt sewing lately. Can't show that off, but I'll sneak you a peek at the strips. So pretty and cool looking.

They go with some pretty Kaffe border fabric. I love looking at the strips all piled up and tidy looking.
I'm much farther along now, doing some machine quilting. Thank goodness for my Borders Made Easy paper, I'd be lost without it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Sunshine

Coffee out back this morning brought a real treat. Cool breezes and blue sky. BLUE SKY PEOPLE! We haven't seen a lot of that lately.
I sat on the swing for a couple early hours looking at magazines, watching the birds, enjoying the fresh cool air. And coffee people, there's always coffee!

Hope you're having a sunshiney Sunday as well peoples! xo

Friday, July 25, 2008

News to Me

I adore the Mary Jane's Farm magazine, have for years. The other day I ran across the magazine on a little Borders trip and I was thrilled to see it, it's been a while since that last amazing apron issue. But I was also a little bummed since I'd ordered enough from her website to get my next magazine for free. The magazine was in my pile waiting to be read, when the subscription offer came. Mary Jane's Farm is now by subscription! I flipped through it, (but not officially because I still am saving it for a relaxing moment) and it's a new format, like a regular magazine! Published on a regular schedule! So if I'm the last to know, just ignore me, but if I'm not.. hey I've got good news...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Public Service Annoucment!

Ok, didn't I tell you, the place is CRAZY.

But that's not what this is all about. This is to let those of you going to Quilt Festival in Long Beach the booth numbers of my favorite peoples!!

Brenda of Acorn Quilt and Gift Company Booth 1014-1016A She's got some wonderful wool she's bringing and of course you all know her amazing books!

From Me to You will have local favorites Laura Nownes and Quilter's Inn Quilt Shop Booth 1110-1112

Lecien 1932 They are the Japanese Fabric Company. HOLY COW. Stop by there for sure!

Tracy at Plumcute Designs 1237-39 She has some darling designs.

Quilting Made Easy 2147 Wendy has the quilting paper I used.. You have got to try that stuff!!! Seriously. I swear by that paper. I use her cable paper by the MILE!!!

Quilted Quickies 1016-1018 I love her! Jere'e (and I suspect that's spelled wrong, sorry) has a lot of wonderful designs. She's a crack up as well. Hmm, wonder if Janet is coming to help out Jere'e and Brenda. She, my friends, is seriously funny.

Thimblecreek 1361 I love their store!!! I hope they left some fabric back at the shop, we're headed there today!

You can check out the full list of exhibitors here..
YIKES, edited to add...
Our friend Kris from Cozy Cottage Fabrics in Booth 1111-15 Stop by and say hi and tell her I sent you!! SORRY KRIS!! You're awesome and I can' t believe I didn't catch your name on the list!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's Time!

Can you believe all the comments? Holy Cow! That's like my month's allotment of comments all in one post. I went to a random number counter and got a number and counted, and then Bret counted and while I'm not clever enough to get a screen shot, (sorry, its not part of the PKM Standard Service) I am clever enough to say, YEAH ANGELINA , you're the winner!

I want to thank everyone for commenting and wishing me a happy birthday. So many great new blogs to check out. I love seeing what everyone is up to, sewing and gardening and well all creative endeavors.

It may be slim pickin's around here for a while, I'm throwing myself into a big project for Alex this week. Those sewing days are hard because of the no sharing photos.. what's a girl to do? You'll have to stick with random rabbity shots.. yes, Binnie is still here. We just can't seem to connect with our free days, Frankie and I. But she's going back. Frankie misses her and Binnie's ready to go. She's trying her best psychology on me, that little rabbit, she's scratched the crap out of me the past few days so I won't be broken hearted when she's gone. And it's working!!!

Ok, thanks again for playing along!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A lovely weekend

Good morning Special Peeps! Thanks for the birthday wishes. I've had a lovely weekend, 4 days of fun with my favorite peoples ever.

First time in quite a while that The Girl has been able to join us for a day of fun. We picked her up on the way to Cambria and San Luis Obispo. It was a fun day of visiting and eating and shopping.

She just spent Thursday with us, then we dropped her back off at the end of the day. She's a busy thing. And dang it, she wants her bunny back.

One of my favorite things about coastal living is the wonderful gardens. I'm loving the pretty succulents everywhere along the way. I know you don't always appreciate the fauna I see but I haven't seen a Katydid in YEARS. Years people.

I don't even remember which day it was, but Bret and I started out to Sutter Creek and lo and behold ended up in the road to Twain Harte. We were just yakking and didn't pay attention. Well that's what he's telling me anyway. Saw this along the way. Crazy.

We did eventually head up to Sutter Creek, and it was lovely. We had some nice days driving around. I love flowers and vignettes and would fill my patio with interesting pots of things. Like this.

We drove up 88 and went past the craziest place, it had a ton of windmills on it. This by far was the prettiest, but oh my. The place was crazy. I've always wanted a huge old windmill

So peeps, last week or so I won a drawing over at Dena's blog, the Sugar Shop. Very exciting. I won a gift certificate to Over The Rainbow, which I promptly spent on wonderful Ava Rose and a piece of Park Slope.

And now I'd like to offer my sweet readers a chance to celebrate my birthday and win a $35 gift certificate to Over the Rainbow! Laura generously bumped my $25 gift certificate up to $35 to help me share the love on my blog.. so leave a comment and Wednesday I'll draw a name for a winner!!!

Ok, hope you're having a nice weekend. xo

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fabric Dreams

I've got no business dreaming up new projects. I need to work on my last block of Flight of Fancy. Elizabeth rushed to get the urn done before her vacation and I assured her it would be complete upon her return. Weeeellllll, I just don't see that happening when its after 4 already today and she'll be home tomorrow. I'm pitiful. No excuse.
But still, these old brushed Moda fabrics have been taunting me. If I was you, I'd be thinking I had some kind of amazing stash all managed in the most organized style. Sadly, you'd be mistaken. I have a good sized stash but it really does pale in comparison to others. But these fat quarters have been at the end of a plastic box in the den closet calling me.
Back when I first started working at a quilt store, more than 10 years ago, we used to make up a kit for a simple flannel quilt. It was small throw size, and contained 6 inch squares and some 3.25 inch squares for 4 patches, all in a nice little bag. You just made your random 4 patches, laid out the flannels in a pleasing manner and sewed them up. It was one of those easily made quilts and easily kitted as well. I made several of them, including a couple for Bret and Frankie. They're soft and very snuggly. So when I saw this pile again I thought gee, I wish I had a nice piece of floral that would mix in well so I could freshen the pile up a bit. And figured while shopping I'd look for something. And then I had the occasion to go through one of my boxes for something. I don't even remember what it was but hey, check it out. A nice floral that goes perfectly with this pile of wonderful fabric.
Of course I didn't find a pile of time to go with them, but it did get me in the mood to figure out how many squares to cut. And you know, avoid doing what I should be doing.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I've been restless lately. You know that feeling, can't settle down? Don't know why, I just can't. Weird I know. Maybe it's the time of year. All this staying inside. I opted to finish the last tote bag I had planned. Here's the peek. It's a surprise, so maybe over on another blog, it will appear, like magic!
This is one that didn't clash with my cool labels, so I included one. I ordered them from Namemaker, and I really like them. Now I need to order some in something other than red, options, I need options!!
Ok peeps. Maybe I'll get more done today. Or not. It's time for my monthly trip to the Fountain of Youth! Have a good day!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Happy Monday my friends! How goes it with you? It's the usual around here, some sewing, some TV marathon watching, some playing out back with the furrier household members.
Here's a peek at a bag that I made for a friend. I love the rick rack slid under the binding.. its just so cute!
Here's a peek at the finished border on Alex's quilt. I can't show that quilt off, but maybe it will turn up on her blog over at The Quilt Show. It is very whimsical and was fun to work on!
Still smokey here, although its better. Last night my eyes were burning like crazy though. Made the mistake of going for a little ride in the convertible.

Just because shot of Binnie hiding by the watering can. That little bunny is so darn cute.

So peeps, whatcha up to this week?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sparing the Air

This week has been chock full of Spare the Air days, and I've stayed home.. well till today. I needed some black rick rack (and out of this house) so I ran out for a couple of errands all close together, all close to home. I hit the book store and oh my heck. Did you see this? Because it's a glimpse of my idea of a dream kitchen. It made sitting in my sewing room with the lights off all worth while.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


It's scorching here people, hope you're cooler where you are. Heat advisory, Spare the Air and Flex Power alert here in our neck of the woods. Temps at their highest should be around 106. Yesterday my car said it was 108 when I headed out to the market. Holy. Cow.
Been busy with the stunt sewing, part of it was machine quilting and lets just say this isn't my genius area. But I do what I can.
I use the Quilting Made Easy adhesive border paper. I love it and it works really well for me. I'm not confident in my machine quilting and this stuff helps me out.

Cables are a fav with my celebrity, so I use it a lot. Best part, no marking. I have a lot of marking tools but on print fabric its hard to get a nice sewing line. So that' s it for today peeps. Keep cool....

Monday, July 07, 2008

House Guests

Look who's come to spend the week!
Looking at all that cuteness is cutting into my blogging and sewing time. We had a nice lazy weekend, how about you guys? Tell all!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

New to me

So hey, I bet this is a surprise, I actually made some yo yo's at the show this past weekend. I can't even believe it myself. I was sure that I'd bring the bag back home, unopened, just like after market. I'm really handwork-challenged... I have a hard time settling down some place, particularly when I'm not at home. I have bad concentration I guess. Sometimes I don't even read my book. This time though, I had no phone service, so consequently I couldn't check my email or my Bloglines.. so I had to do something! And making yo yo's seemed pretty good. And wow, way more fun that I imagined they'd be. You know. Past the first couple of yo yo's. I'm not a yo yo genius though, I didn't bring blue thread, so my white shows up in a rather bold way on those blue ones. But I don't care, I had a blast. And amazingly, the people at the show hadn't seen the Clover Yo Yo makers. I KNOW! They loved it!! So yeah, I have yo yo's. Now to get cracking on some more!
This week I'm doing some stunt work. I wish I could show it off, I could just eat it up! I will say it's using more Mary Engelbreit fabric and you know how yummy that stuff is. Anyhoo.. ran up to Quilter's Inn to grab some more of the Lecien that I needed and look who I ran into !!!! This woman kills me. Anyway, I might be scarce a couple of days while I work. In the meantime, I'll be checking on Bloglines, I'M STILL BEHIND and I'm feeling the pressure to catch up. So pardon the crappy commenting, you guys are having fun faster than I can read about it!!!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

What a weekend

As you probably already read over on Elizabeth's blog, we went to Sutter Creek for the Golden Threads Quilt Show. It was a great time, the ladies were so friendly. I think my favorite part of the weekend was seeing some of our old friends from the shop. I really miss all the people.. so seeing special ones made it great. Friday we did get out and about for some shopping. You know we love our shopping. This is along the sidewalk in Amador City. There's a cute new store right next to County Living. I've forgotten the name. Dang.
Country Living was wonderful, as usual. Lots of temptations for us, with our full to the brim car.
This garden shop was so amazing. I picked up some wonderful succulents for a little planter out back. There were so many wonderful things there.
It was a great weekend. We actually saw blue sky on Sunday, the smoke is clearing up. Thanks to all the quilt guild members for making us feel like we were part of your group. And, as usual, thanks to Elizabeth for bringing me along!

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