Monday, July 14, 2008


Happy Monday my friends! How goes it with you? It's the usual around here, some sewing, some TV marathon watching, some playing out back with the furrier household members.
Here's a peek at a bag that I made for a friend. I love the rick rack slid under the binding.. its just so cute!
Here's a peek at the finished border on Alex's quilt. I can't show that quilt off, but maybe it will turn up on her blog over at The Quilt Show. It is very whimsical and was fun to work on!
Still smokey here, although its better. Last night my eyes were burning like crazy though. Made the mistake of going for a little ride in the convertible.

Just because shot of Binnie hiding by the watering can. That little bunny is so darn cute.

So peeps, whatcha up to this week?


Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

Wishing for more of a peek at that bag. Your stitching is so even and nice. The bag looks so darling. I'm almost done with my ME quilt using that fabric. Its been fun but I'm ready to move on and get it to the quilter.

12:07 PM  
Blogger Happy Zombie said...

That was weird. I just typed two paragraphs, and poof... they vanisihed. All that thought I put into my little novella of a comment. Oh well, now I have to settle for the Reader's Digest version of a comment...

Love the peeks, but want to see MORE. Binz is so cute peeking out by the watering can.

12:35 PM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

Now we know why peep shows are so enticing to men! After those peeks, we want more!!!

1:52 PM  
Blogger jen duncan said...

Those are some purty peeks I must say! Pretty smoky up here in northern CA too. Hope it's all over soon!
I'm working on a long overdue etsy update today. All the picture taking and description writing. blah blah blah. No wonder i let it go this long!!

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bag looks wonderful - will we get to see more.

Binz is so sweet - tell me does she like to eat electrical cords? Our little Buddy does and it makes sewing an exercise activity as well as I have to unplug the cords everytime I move away.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Mary Anne said...

Glad to see you're dealing with that awful smoke by spending your time indoors making those unbelievably CUTE projects! (and that is also one CUTE bunny!!)

7:59 PM  
Blogger Tammy Gilley said...

I'm wishing that I were the friend that cute rick-racked bag was going to! :) And, I'm finishing up patterns for my little debut. Throwing the ball for my four-legged fur ball. You know, the usual.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Love the ric rac under the binding, starting to like that stuff almost as much as piping!
Cute little rabbit too...

9:30 AM  
Blogger Angelina said...

That smoke must be hell on your asthma. I hope you get some good breezes to clear the skies and I sure hope for everyone's sakes that the fires all get put out soon.

I love the ric rack detail! So pretty.

Binnie is cute in the extreme.

9:39 AM  
Blogger little acorns said...

Oh. . . I love that bag with the rick rack & gingham! Too Cute!!! That is one lucky friend. ;-). . . & your sewing is impeccable! I love you calling Binzer - Binnie. . . Is that a 'grandma's'only' special name?
xo, Bren

2:12 PM  
Blogger Red Geranium Cottage said...

Well I'm your friend and I know that bag is just adorable!!!!!! I am your friend aren't I?? LOL

11:30 AM  
Blogger Mom O Matic said...

Pam, that border is gorgeous!

3:33 PM  
Blogger Jodi Nelson said...

Acorns tote is adorable! And I can't wait to see the ME quilt. I'll be watching.

9:54 AM  

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