Friday, September 26, 2008

The Little Digger

I'm up pre-crack of dawn this morning but I have to admit I frittered away the time. Darn it all internet and your ways.

Yesterday I finally finished up the last of the projects for my new Celebrity! I can't show them yet, but I did take some photos for later. My new Celebrity has a cute line of fabric coming out.. so as usual, it's all under wraps till Quilt Market. I sure hope she likes what I've put together.
Everything looks like fall, but sadly doesn't feel like fall most of the day.. we've had some hot weather here. Yesterday the air conditioning even came on! Mornings are cool and lovely but the air is so still I can't get that cool air to come inside and cool down the interiors. Makes for a bit of a stuffy house. I've had to take Binnie out for her evening romp earlier now that the days are shorter. Some of you might remember we had a nice little garden chock full of lettuce for her earlier this year, but of course she could have cared less about it. Last night she rediscovered the territory and I could barely get her out of there. I have been waiting for cooler weather to replant some lettuce but I don't see how I can do that now. She's discovered that nice soft damp earth and has been digging. And digging.

What you can't tell from this little video taken with my Sidekick is, she's in a raised bed, but has dug in far enough to be level with the surface of the rest of the bed. Does that make sense? She would have stayed out there all night digging had I not finally picked her up and made her run on the lawn to get all the bits of dirt off of her. Man that little rabbit cracks me up.

Ok, really, it's time to hit the sewing room. I'm working on some blanket stitching for Elizabeth. Man are these blocks cute. Hmm, wonder if there's a marathon on tv..

Have a good weekend my happy peeps! xo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How cute! Not cute as in Mz Binz digging up your flower bed... but cute and so fun to watch. I love it!!!

Maybe you can get a big Rubbemaid bin and fill it with dirt, and that could be B's little diggin' box?

10:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That totally made me giggle. I love watching animals dig like that. Busy, busy, busy. LOL

10:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Cute video of Binnie. I still can't wait to see all your new work! Hurry up already.

12:01 PM  
Blogger Candace said...

Miss Binnie is too cute! Maybe she's digging down to find some cool ground to cool off in, or maybe, just maybe she's a gold-digging wabbit - keep your eye out for shiny things! Cheers!

1:42 PM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

Awww, lil' Binnie is so cute! What do you suppose she is digging? Maybe she want to make babies!!!

2:24 PM  
Blogger Mama Spark said...

Maybe she can did the holes for the new planting. huh, huh?? Could be a big help. I'm just sayin'!

5:05 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Too cute for words....

1:34 PM  
Blogger Sweet Cottage Dreams said...


3:42 PM  
Blogger Mom O Matic said...

Oh so darling!!

5:41 PM  
Blogger Angelina said...

I've forgotten how amusing rabbits are as pets. So damn cute!!!

9:26 AM  
Blogger Mary Lou Weidman said...

How cold does it get where you live in the winter? Maybe you will have to bring her indoors. :0)
She is adorable
Mary Lou Weidman

9:31 AM  

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