Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Tadd More Market

I have to say one of the friendships that I've made at market that I really cherish is the one I made with our friend Tammy Tadd. She is really a lovely person, inside and out. Everyone should know someone truly as nice as Tammy.
Tammy has her own posse you know, Velda her mom and Sherry, her Trusty Sidekick. Sherry is the resident daredevil and seriously, if you want more cookies from the Moda booth, she's the one to ask. Because she'll get them for you. I'm just saying!

The Tammy Tadd Designs booth is always pretty and pink. And cheerful.

Here's Tammy's bestseller of the show, Patch Me if You Can. It's a darling bag made with charm squares or fat quarters.

Tammy took us to a lovely dinner Saturday night. I had so much fun. You can see the photos over on Elizabeth's blog. That was the day I forgot my camera battery. I can't thank Tammy enough for the friendship she's extended to me!

Thanks to everyone who commented about the bag patterns Elizabeth blogged about! I had fun making them! The shop has the patterns or you can order directly from Elizabeth. I appreciate the support and encouragement!


Blogger Cheryl said...

yeah for you on your patterns!!! I'm making one for a swapping buddy!

1:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your bags are STINKIN cute! ( I needed one more project before Christmas...LOL) I really must get down to the shop and do a little retail therapy...You are right about Tammy. She is a sweetheart.

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your sweet bags Ms. Kitty! They are adorable. You are on your way ...

9:44 AM  
Blogger Camille said...

Congratulations!! So exciting! They look fantastic!

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know enough famous people to last you until Portland!

1:34 PM  
Blogger Angelina said...

The bags you designed are adorable! I'm so excited for you!

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I am speechless! I don't remember the last time I had so many compliments! Pam, what a blessing you and Elizabeth have been to me and all of my girls. You guys have been such great friends to us already, I'm looking forward to getting to know you both even better!! Might mean I have to make a trip to California again one of these days. And you will naturally want to come to Chicago for a visit right? Just not in the winter!! Hope you are still enjoying the bubbles and fruit snacks!! See ya soon!

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much fun you had!!! Love that patchwork bag. Very cute! G and I were in the shop yesterday but you weren't there. :( See you soon!

6:54 AM  
Blogger atet said...

If you think Tammy's booths are great, you should SEE the shop. Oooh, and I see one of the aprons I sewed on the maniquin!!! heheheh. I LOVE your new purse pattern, as a matter of fact, I may have it downstairs right now waiting for me to make it up into a shop sample for Ms. Tadd -- speaking of which, to my sewing machine!

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get such a kick out of Tammy's pattern names... Patch Me if You Can, Plaid About You, Daised and Amused... is just too clever and too funny!

11:59 AM  

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