Sunday, November 04, 2007

Taking it to the extreme

Hey, remember when I was doing some celebrity stunt sewing? Well the quilt on the bottom here at the JWD booth is the quilt I was machine quilting for Alex. I think it's so pretty. The really funny thing is, Elizabeth made the top quilt for Alex!! What a coincidence!

Here's Elizabeth at the Checker's booth with her new block of the month pattern, Flight of Fancy. I LOVE THIS QUILT and even though I have the attention span of a first grader, I'm going to get going on this! Soon! I've already started piling fabric up. Really I'm doing it.

And just because I got caught up in the whole photograph thing.... here's my round of photographs, you can see Elizabeth's here.

I promise to get back to the last of my pictures. I have some booth photos, and a funny story. This weekend we're celebration Bret's Birthday! Frankie was up and we have been having some fun. But back to the grindstone after work tomorrow. Promise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What funny photos of everyone taking photos!! Can't wait for my photos from you. Happy Birthday to Bret!!! I love the tree quilt! I think Vicky over at laquilter is making that!!

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just love that quilt of E's so much!

12:50 PM  
Blogger Busy Little Quilter said...

Thanks so much for sharing your pictures! I have friends that go to Houston every year, but I never see pictures they shot!

I love Elizabeth's quilt, too. You both are such fantastic quilters, and you're lots of fun, too!

2:24 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

yah just gotta love those digital camera's...what did we do before them?

so much fun.

you seem to be holding up really well...what's your secret.

I am feeling like a "wilted balloon"

big hug,


9:06 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Love all your Market photos!!! I'm just not back to blogging after
Market/Festival. It was so nice to meet you. We went back to the booth on Saturday but you weren't there :-(! Love that tree quilt.
Carol and I spent the whole day on
Thursday at Festival collecting fabric so she could make it!! Should have known you were somehow involved!

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a hoot with all the cameras. And E's quilt... OMG... I just love it!

duznfnmr. Ha choo. Fitting word-veri for your sneezy state today. Hope you feel better soon!

10:33 AM  
Blogger Doe said...

Love Elizabeth's quilt. Thanks for sharing the fun photos of the camera crew.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the Bags on Elizabeth's blog. You are quite the talented lady!

7:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said... the photos, brings back market memories. I forgot my camera, thanks for taking the pictures of what was a great time!! Love your blog.

9:40 AM  

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