Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

What are you all up to today my peeps? Shopping? I saw the Kohl's ad, they're starting at FOUR A.M. ???? That's just crazy talk in my mind.
Here's our friend Linda again, and she's looking pretty pleased with herself! And she should be, look at that quilt.
It's Anne Sutton's Rabbits Prefer Chocolate and Linda made it for her granddaughter Hannah. It's a wonderful heirloom made with love and it includes some tatting by Linda's grandmother Flora Selton.

Happy Black Friday Linda, take a load off, you deserve the rest! And to all you out there looking for holiday bargains GOOD LUCK!!!!


Blogger Joan said...

Pam- My Black Friday involves staying home, cleaning up from yesterday & going to work. No shopping! There's a store here in Baltimore that is open from 12 midnight Thursday to 12 midnight Friday. Insanity. I just feel sorry for the people who have to work those awful hours. I used to work retail til I burned out.
Have a lovely day--

5:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Black Friday has turned into a shopping day for crazy people!! LOL I'm staying home, too, today. Tonight we are taking the horses and carriage to town to take Santa through a parade. That's enough excitement for one day.

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have NEVER shopped Black Friday...years ago before I was a mom & before I was a schoolteacher I was a retail manager and I worked every Black Friday for 12 years. BUT, this year my mom and I went to Joann Fabrics for 40 minutes. We got up at 5:15 am and drove to the Woodland store. We were in and out and home by 7:12 am. Now we are staying out of the insanity! Happy day after Thanksgiving!!

9:41 AM  
Blogger Angelina said...

I don't shop on Black Friday either, why is it called "Black Friday" anyway?

I hope you're taking it easy!

10:34 AM  
Blogger atet said...

I've done my black friday shopping and am now home (though I'm not sure the Target run really counts, and the only other stop was Joann's for some supplies to finish making gifts!). Now to go play with my fabrics!

12:02 PM  
Blogger jen duncan said...

Dangit Pam. I'm gonna have to stop lookin at your I think I need to buy this quilt pattern, too! LOVE it.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That quilt is amazing. Looks like a ton of work for sure. Very cute!!

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pam! Muchas gracias - - all my far away relatives can see what I do with some of my retirement time! Oh, and I never shop on Black Friday - -had to work too many of them.

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like most of you, I have never and will ever go out on Black Friday! I don't even do shopping any other time of the year except quilting/fabric shopping. And Linda, your Rabbits Prefer Chocolate is beautiful. I have the pattern and fabric, but working on Pumpkin Hill and Strawberry Hill by Anne Sutton! Love her bunnies!!!

Happy Days to all.

gloria g. Richards, TX

10:39 AM  
Blogger Anne Sutton said...

Oh my gosh! I am so impressed with what she did with this quilt. Darling, dear Linda, absolutely darling. You did a wonderful job and congratulations on being so creative. Exciting to see! Pam thanks for sharing!

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My ONE and only non-handmade purchase is for DS. Got up at O-Dark-Thirty to go to our Fred Meyer (like a Gemco) to get him Rock Band. Saved $34 by doing that because they had 20% off coupon that lasted only 6 hours. Plus it's the Teddy Ruxpin of this year, so I wanted to make sure I got it while I could. Went, bought, left... And then I crawled back into bed.

I'm totally jonesing Linda's quilt. Do you suppose Anne includes some free time in her pattern?!?! I sooo want to make that, especially after seeing Linda's.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh mannn!!! I am a major chocolate bunny maniac....this quilt is just too too cool!! LOVE it! You and your blog have truly made a quilt lover of me!! Now all I need to do is start my collection!

xoxo Jenny

12:45 AM  

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