Friday, July 31, 2015
Good morning my farm fresh friends! How are you? Its cooling off here in PamKittyVille and I've been prepping for some sewing. I've collected my stash of reds pinks and greens, added in a couple of nice soft browns and I got to cutting.
I have a whole separate tray for all the background pieces.. I can't wait to get on this. My Farm Girl Friday is coming up fast! I love seeing all the blocks you all are making, there are going to be some pretty wonderful quilts soon!
Ok, as soon as I'm done with this coffee I'm starting on the iced tea! Have a good weekend everyone! Happy #farmgirlfriday! xo
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Hi there! How is your week going? We're in a bit of a cool down today, expecting only 99 after a day when the temps were at least 108. Holy Pam Kitty on a spit! I felt like I was roasting! I know that a lot of you had it worse, I'm talking to you Arizona.. but wow, we felt it yesterday.
Earlier this week Bret and I went down the central coast to San Luis Obispo to celebrate our 30th Anniversary! We had a great time hanging out, nothing fancy, just being away from the daily business of regular life you know? Not going to lie there was some great weather there too, which made it even better. We spent some time driving with the top down along the coast enjoying that feeling of being almost chilly!
One of the crazy things we did on the spur of the moment was grab lunch at the Madonna Inn. Its so pretty on the outside, and pretty crazy on the inside!!! This is the only section that's pink, the rest just has pink trim in the front buildings.
The exterior of the remaining buildings is so wonderful.. Honestly, I'd love a house with those kinds of arches/pillars out front with shutters, wide eaves. It's so California Ranch to me. And while the days of shake roofs are over for the most part, they're still my favorite. It was super fun. If you want to kill some time be sure and head to the website and check out the rooms. And for some fun read about it here on Wikipedia.
We stayed at the Apple Farm Inn which is our favorite. Much tamer for sure. It's lovely, the grounds beautifully maintained and the atmosphere tranquil.
It was especially charming in the evening. It was a relaxing time and we enjoyed it. But of course it's always nice to be back home too.
Hope the week is going well for you! xop
Monday, July 27, 2015
Happy Monday peoples!!! We had a nice weather week, culminating in the most wonderfully breezy cool Sunday night perfect for clearing out all the old air in the house and letting in fresh air. Just in time, we're heating back up again! Thank goodness for air conditioning.

More things to cut on my table.. lots of pretty aqua, some Pam Kitty Garden and some friends there poised to go under the blade! I won't lie, I spent quite a bit of time searching for an illusive Annie's Farm Stand print that I knew I had.
Thank goodness I found it before I lost my mind. It's going to be perfect for this project. I love how my aquas blend in so nicely with other fabrics out there, like Lori's ... all friends should play well together don't you think?
What's on your agenda this week? Fun times? I hope so. I see already kids are going back to school. This summer seems like it's going by fast, and I have seen that some kids are all ready back in class. My time isn't regulated by school anymore, but I still feel the schedule, it's like it never quite leaves you.. or is it just me?
Ok, well enough of that. Hope things are going well for you friends! xo
Friday, July 24, 2015
Hi there friends! How was your week? I hope it was way more productive than mine. Somehow my sewing mojo has fled the scene. I didn't get much done on any front this week, and I have no good excuses for it.
Yesterday I got the last of my Snapshots blocks cut out. You know so many of the group of bloggers listed in this post are going to have their quilts done, and I want to have mine done too! I got off to a great start and typical PKM style I fizzled, getting distracted. I can't be the only one this happens to right? Well if I am the only one, don't even tell me.
Ok, I'm hoping I didn't put my mojo with my sewing ham, that would be a disaster. BECAUSE I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND THAT. I don't even need it anymore.. I just want to know where it is.
I know, nuts.
Happy weekend! xop
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Good morning! It's coffee out back this morning. I've kind of gotten out of the habit , but the weather is so pleasant today, I'm treating myself. Yesterday Amy sent me a message that she'd seen this new copy of Mingle and I might want to grab one up.
After dinner Bret and I hit all the stores with magazines in Livermore, then headed out to Dublin to the Barnes and Noble!!! At night! Yes, shocker, I left my house after dinner. I couldn't wait to see this cute party layout.
Trina Lucido 's Luncheon Under Construction has some very cute Pam Kitty Morning fabric banners over her table! You can read about it on her blog here. It's so exciting to see Pam Kitty fabric out in the world, like the real world, not our cozy quilting world!!!
Ok, I need a coffee refill, then I'm heading back out to finish looking at this magazine! Happy Thursday peeps!
Monday, July 20, 2015
Hi there!
Good morning! How was your weekend? Holy cow people, I hardly believe it myself, but we took a spontaneous trip to Los Angeles this past weekend! I was texting with my friend Dana Thursday night and she told me she was having a Quilt Bombing Party on Saturday in Griffith Park. So I forced her to invite me, and Bret, Frankie and I drove down Friday. We joined her and some friends at the Music Center for Dance Downtown.. got there right before it began, such perfect timing! It was Bollywood dance lessons sponsored by Fox Home Entertainment's The Second Very Best Marigold Hotel. WE HAD A BLAST! The weather was perfect, cool with a nice breeze!
After dancing we went to Phillipe The Original for some famous French dip sandwiches. It was super fun. Saturday we woke up to RAIN RAIN RAIN. Like holy crap torrential rain! But we didn't let that stop us from driving out to Ventura for trip to Superbuzzy! That was fun!
Driving home was a bit of a challenge. Lots of standing water places. Half the people driving like maniacs, half driving like scardy cats. But we enjoyed it none the less.
The quilt bombing was called for rain, so instead we had dinner at the Burger Lounge with Dana, then met up with Jen at Salt and Straw. We had a fun crazy laughing good time.
Sunday morning we had a date with Bob! We ate a delicious breakfast and headed home.
It was so spontaneous and fun. I can't even believe we did it. But now we're all back to work. Hope you have a great week! xo
Instagram Links for more photos:
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Snapshots: Up Up and Away
Good morning! It's Fat Quarter Shop Snapshots day here! We're in the second half of the quilt now, and you know it's going to go fast from here on out! This month's block is a cute hot air balloon... quick and easy to stitch up. So steady your Olfa cutter and get out you Alpahbitties and download that pattern!
As usual you can head over to the Fat Quarter Channel on you tube and get the low down on making this block from Kimberly herself.
WHAT??? You haven't started yet? No time like the present! Just head over to this Jolly Jabber blog post for all the links to the pdfs. And as a gentle reminder, we hope you'd consider donating $5 per month to the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. It's a great cause to help kids.
Ok, can't wait to see all your blocks. Are you sewing along with us? Have fun!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Aurifil Monday
Happy Monday peoples! I hope things are going well on your side of the screen ! Have you been enjoying your summer? The past week or so has been so nice weather wise.. window open weather, easy breezes to bring fresh air inside.. really it's been a godsend.
Last week also brought some delicious treats in the mail from The Fat Quarter Shop. Kimberly and her crew sent me three of their new Exclusive Aurifil Thread Boxes, the floss set in Tart, as well as the Patchwork set in Tart and Scone. I love the Tart colors... so very Pam Kitty don't you think?
Scone, you might think, wouldn't be me, but look at the red and gold ... pretty perfect I'd say. I think these will be perfect for an upcoming applique project, these colors will be perfect for blanket stitching don't you think?
Thank you, Kimberly, for sending me these boxes to test out. I mean seriously, even the boxes are cute and I know I'll be putting them to good use.
Now just a quick note.. my short interview with Cheryl Arkison is up over at The Quilt Show. I hope you will head over .. no kidding, I'm pretty lame but it's fun and Cheryl is so cool, check it out!
Alrighty then! Have a super day peeps. xo
Monday, July 06, 2015
Hi there Happy Monday! How was your holiday weekend? I had a great one! The weekend is always more fun when Bret has an extra day off. How did we spend it? I'M NOT EVEN SURE! I think Lowes, the grocers, some basic errand running, probably a lunch out. Pitiful I can't remember back that many days!
Brunch with Pat on Saturday was super fun. The food and the company was great, and of course it's always fun to see Pat's Patriotic Décor. The weather was kind to us, a nice breeze and not too hot, till later in the day anyway.
Cups, dishes, table linens decorations, flags, plants.. she's got it all, even her ice!! Its stars! But seriously it's been super fun to be included for a lot of the years but it was the last brunch, Pat's hanging up her apron and calling it quits. Sob. End of an era! Thanks Pat, you're the best!
Bret and I went out in the evening and found a spot to catch the Alameda County Fair fireworks. First time in a while they've had them, it was fun. It was good weekend overall!
Now is time for some detective work. My friend Sarah found these things out flea marketing. For some reason I'm just crazy to know what they are. I've followed Sarah for years and she's always finding cool things but this is driving me bonkers. Maybe someone will recognize them. So far no one knows for sure but we've got tons of guesses.
Ok, big plans for the week? I've got stuff to do and I better get busy. Have a good one friends. xo
Friday, July 03, 2015
Hi there, Happy Friday! I'm home from Utah and my sewcation. I had a blast with Nanette, we went to a lot of great shops, did some sewing and we hung out with her family. It was pretty fantastic. While I'm happy to be home with my people, I sure miss hanging out with her. We even had lunch with Lori one day, and that was fun, no photos though, just trying to live in the moment.. but it makes for boring blog posts.
We all love fabric, and I managed to score a lot of it while we were out. I'm in love with the cute Elea Lutz Little Joys fabric. I'm taste testing those prints, trying to decide what to make. For sure I know Frankie would like some Christmas pillow cases. Now to decide which prints and then order more yardage. Until then, HoardCity. Also I'm loving Lori's garden text print, and I'm saving that with these aquas below for a little project. I think they'll all mix up with Pam Kitty Garden and Fog City Kitty quite nicely. I've got some of Tasha's new fabric too, super cute.. I love her toile prints and those strawberries.. precious. If I can't sew with friends I can sew with friends fabrics, right? It's just about the same.
Three day weekend for my peeps, so I'm sure that we'll be busy doing something, even if it's nothing! What about you? My friend Pat is having her last Fourth of July Brunch, so I'm excited to be there for the event. If you've followed along with me for a while, you know Pat what a great time it is. Now what to make! That's always hard for me.. deciding that.
Ok, happy weekend people! Be safe in your celebrations!!! xo