Thursday, November 07, 2019

Finally Finished

Wow I started to get this post ready some time ago, based on the appearance of those Marshmallow Peep Ghosts.   Those friends are long gone.  I had such good intentions of blogging about my progress...

...I don't even know when I took the picture of the ghost blocks on the design tablecloth, they've been a fixture there in the hallway for so long. I'm a procrastinator, and the time had come to cut sashing....
...and the dreaded long borders... they always seem like such a pain.  Maybe it's the thought of getting it wrong.  But it worked out.  Thank goodness.
I need to grab some backing and get it quilted. Something swirly.  I'll have to look and see what other people have done. There are so many great Boo! quilts out there. 
Anyway I'm happy to be back to sewing.  Frankie is all moved in to her new place and  it's nice to have her close by!  I have sewing room extension back, and can get into her old room to cut fabric whenever I want. 
Now that the ghosts are done, I can get to work on other half finished projects.   Also I have my vacation fabrics just waiting for me to cut into them. I have a few ideas, but haven't settled on any one thing.  Plus did you see that Kellie from Sew Mimi K is having a sew along for her little tea cup coasters?  I am going to make some, they look so cute, and paired with some coffee, tea or cocoa they'd make a cute  gift don't you think?  And they just look fun.  Kellie has a post from 2016 where she made a bunch of striped  cups that are so cute and you can see them here.  I'd like to make them for a cute banner for my kitchen window.  Dreams people. Dreams.  I'm happy just thinking about it and if  I get some made even better!
Ok enough of my rambling.  What's new with you?


Blogger Peg said...

late reading this (I procrastinate too!). Love those cute lil ghosties, it is turning out great. I know what you mean about borders, the chance of wonkiness (spell check does not like that word) is real.
Working on quilting an almost king size quilt on my domestic machine. Straight lines, nothing fancy, but it is a chore. Have to have extreme discipline to keep plugging away. Knowing how much she will like it and how proud I will be to finish it, keeps me going.
Take care, always great to see a post from you :)

8:24 PM  
Anonymous Arnold McLean said...

This was greatt to read

5:48 PM  

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