Friday, June 27, 2014

Shop Hopping

Happy Friday friends! How are you? Was your week good? I'm back at it here in PamKittyville working on projects and watching crime tv.  Hard to believe just last week I was lunch with Lori and Nanette and then going on a mini shop hop.

Just SEw

Before we even left Alpine we went to Just Sew, an adorable shop not far from Nanette's house.  It was fun to meet Alice and see all the cute Pam Kitty Picnic samples they had around the shop.  I really liked this block of the month that Alice had made. 

Just Sew
I love this cute apron.  Next up after lunch was our trip to Pine Needles. Their new location is really fantastic! Lots of space, great samples and I believe a nice room for classes up stairs. 

I love that there's an option to hang large quilts up, and wow, I love the larger floral quilt on the left.  It was nice to see Holly, the store manager, in the shop, usually I just see her at quilt market.

We also stopped in at Material Girls to see my friend Nadine.  Yikes, no photos except this one on instagram.  I got a little carried away talking to Nadine about her exploits with antlers.  Now if only I could remember where I saw all those funny photos of Nadine at the Crabapple Hill retreat. Holy cow she's fun.
That's it for this week! Any big weekend plans?  Have fun! xo


Blogger circle r motel said...

I love the apron! I might need to call the shop and get the pattern. I'm so excited to see that Sausalito Cottage is now in quilt shops. I'm gonna be ordering some of the fabric this weekend!!

6:32 AM  
Blogger Susie said...

Looks like fun!

3:28 PM  

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