Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Sewcation

Last week I had a great time. Tuesday I left at about 4am for my sewcation in Utah.  I was reminiscing on the ride up through the California foothills, thinking about previous trips taken to Utah with Elizabeth, and how both times we'd encountered snow. I felt a little sad that this trip in June would mean no snow. 

On the road
Once I entered Nevada evidence of snow came and went along the mountains, but in my temperature controlled car, I didn't really notice any serious change in temperature.

On the road
Sure there was rain rain rain..and then I started noticing along the side of the road it looked like  maybe there had been a big hail storm earlier. Then I looked at my temperature gauge and noticed it was dropping like a rock. Then the next thing you know I'm in a blizzard. No picture of that on my camera or phone, but believe me.  BLIZZARD.  Eventually that truck pulling a trailer pulled off the freeway but I just powered through it.. After maybe five hours or really more like 20 minutes it turned to slushy snow and then rain again. 

On the road
Pretty exiting stuff for me.  Anyway the rest of the trip to Nanette's was uneventful.  The weather turned glorious over the vacation and we had a lovely time.  Some sewing, some  shopping, lunch out with our friend Lori.  We tried to fool her but my instagram photos gave away where I surprising her.

Nanette- Freda's Hive and Lori Holt
Lori brought along her daughter Kassidy at our lunch. Super sweet, it was the first time I met her. We all had a lovely lunch and a good visit.  Super fun. Super friends.

Lori and Kassidy Holt

Lori of course brought gifts, I hate to even take it apart it's so cute.  Lots of delicious fabric from her latest collection Vintage Happy. And I know that box of taffy has one of her famous egg sewing kits in it.. I just can't quite bring myself to take it apart yet.  You can see one here on her instagram.

Treats from Lori

It was a great week. More later on that I'm sure.  Today I'm still catching up on rest after that long drive to get home. So what have you guys been up to?


Blogger mascanlon said...

Nothing like sewing, eating and laughing with good friends...and gifts too!

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a wonderful time. I'm so envious of days with Nanette. She's a long time favorite of mine. You and Nanette are too long time favorites. She is one of my most favorite quilters out there. Her quilts inspire me. I hope there will be more photos.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Cat said...

LOve hearing about the trip and your friends! I love vintage happy patterns fabric and your blog! XXOO Cat

10:46 AM  
Blogger Little Quiltsong said...

Looking at those pictures reminded me of the roads to BC where we once lived. Glad you arrived safe, there and back.I'm enjoying Lori's Scrappy Happy Summer Sew Along and sprucing up my home at the same time with the weekly projects. So glad you had a nice visit with Lori, her daughter and Nanette. Wish I could have been there too.

11:55 AM  
Blogger jan said...

Looks had you have a terrific time with some pretty great friends! You, lori and nanette are three of the blogs that I first started following and that kept me interested and inspired enough to start sewing too!
Thank you for that! xo jan

1:34 PM  
Blogger Missy Shay said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!

7:23 PM  
Blogger Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

So glad your road trip was a fun one, despite the weather there. But you are PKM and can do anything!!!

Miss you!!

8:36 PM  
Blogger Sharrieboberry said...

Aw! How sweet! That is a most excellent Road Trip!

No sewing here. We're watching the World Cup (and trying to do some house cleaning)

12:02 PM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

You lucky girl! I feel like I wrote that anonymous comment up there LOL. I'm missing my summer trip out there this year. Did you guys sew up anything fun???

12:07 PM  
Blogger Miss Jean said...

I've driven in weather like that before and it scares me to death!

4:00 PM  
Blogger Sentimentally Me said...

Eeeeek! Snow - Noooo!!! We are thankfully in a warm as, well JUNE, summer so far !

Looks like fun! Gosh that Nanette, I kinda love her. She's always been such a peach, and so giving. Lucky you to spend time with her :)

12:34 PM  

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