Monday, June 09, 2014


Hey there! How are things in your neck of the woods?  Have a nice weekend?  I had a nice weekend, including some sewing time.  I set aside my cherries to whip out a little pillow for  a gift.  I love these little rectangular pillows. It's fun stepping out of the square box you know?

Home pillow
This pillow is a standard pillow form 12" x 16" and it was super fast to make. I think I spent more time working on selecting a font than I did making the whole pillow.  I love blanket stitching so once I fused the letters on it was easy going.  Thankfully I have a lot of tv banked up on the DVR so I can sew away these hot days.
Today I'll get back to my cherries.  I just need to add the mini inner border and the outer borders then I can quilt it. It finishes up pretty small, so it will go fast. 
Ok, lets all have a great week! xo


Blogger mascanlon said...

So cute Pam, I am off today so will get a little time in sewing too. Binding on a quilt and then a new one all cut and ready to go up on the design wall.

6:57 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

I love this little pillow with the heart in the O. Just adorable. Someone is very lucky!

7:24 AM  
Blogger Auntie Pami said...

After I get some work done, do my Checker order (just got Lunch Boxes finally) submitted, I need to finish a baby quilt for my itty bitty nephew. He is up to 3 lbs and some change! Still won't be home until September-ish, but it would be nice to have it there for him! Love the pillow. Is that just a font you printed or is it a patttern that somehow I missed?

7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, I love all your colorful. I was wondering what you use to cut your letters and do you recommend it? Thank you,

12:14 PM  

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