Friday, July 26, 2013

Where does the time go?

Even though the week seemed long, it went by so fast, and there often seems like there is so little to show for it.  Blog wise anyway.  There are always things I can't show yet, and things that aren't photo worthy. Everyday stuff like watering the flower pots and emptying the dishwasher.  I haven't fused or cut another shape since the little bee skep and bird. 
I have finished my cups for Sarah.  It's not too late, you can read on her blog here how to join in the fun. She's shown cups on Facebook and Instagram.. they're really cool. I really love being a part of something I suspect is going to be pretty cool in the end.   

I made two cups because my cup with the gingham saucer was just ok.  Not enough contrast with the background.  The cup shape is lovely isn't it?  So different than the normal cups  you see. Kind of fancy.  I'd make a million cups for Sarah, I think she's great and I am so happy to be able to participate in something with her. 
Sometimes life just seems grand doesn't it?  You just can't help but be happy.  Today is extra happy, I'm off to see Holly at the LakeHouse Studio.  Some of my Pam Kitty Picnic strike offs are in!  SO EXCITING.  
Ok, have a good weekend everybody!! xop


Blogger mascanlon said...

Such a cute block. I went and read the post and I hope to find time this weekend to make a block too. like you I think the quilt will be wonderful and how fun to be part of it.

6:06 AM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

Have a great time with Holly PKM -- be careful with all that fabric fondling -- you know what fondling leads to!

I'm extra happy today too -- I'll be lunching with one of your buddies tomorrow -- (hint - I get to see the British quilt in person - Yipee!!!)

Oh and please please please -- I'd love to see you emptying the dishwasher LOL!

7:32 AM  
Blogger Melissa P said...

Love those tea cups! I need to get mine mailed. You're so right about the week going by in a blur.

7:54 AM  
Blogger CathyK said...

Love those cups!!

8:45 AM  
Blogger Nedra said...

really cute cups, Pam! As always, you choose the most wonderful fabrics.

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about PKM is your love of your 'peeps'. You are one sweet special thing yourself.

1:25 PM  

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