Thursday, July 11, 2013

More more more.

I know it seems silly but I just can't quite say good-by to this strawberry block.  So, yesterday I made four more.  I used leftover bits and pieces that had laying around at the end of the quilt.   Seriously this is the cutest block ever right? 

more strawberries
I noticed the very clever Debbie Taylor used mixed up greens in some of her strawberry tops, so I pulled out a couple of scraps and managed to mix mine up a tiny bit. It's a cute idea. This little strawberry patch is destined to become a pillow.  I found a nice pillow form that's 14 x 28 so I'm making it work.  I had originally thought three strawberries, but I'm all kinds of lazy and don't want to make my own pillow form. And yes, it did cross my mind that I'm probably going to more trouble trying to make it work than if I'd just made the stinken pillow form.  
This seems like the perfect time to say hey, if you've made something with Pam Kitty fabric leave me a link to your photo or email me a photo, I'd love to see it and share it on my Facebook page. If you share something on Facebook and I don't comment, leave me a message so I go check it out!  
Here's a gentle reminder to shop owners, we're in the home stretch of the sales period for Pam Kitty Picnic!  No time like the present to put in your order!
Ok, that's it for today! Tell me what's going on with you!


Blogger Unknown said...

I love seeing all of the strawberry sweetness! I just had to order the pattern for myself.

7:28 AM  
Blogger Debbie Johnson said...

So ADORABLE!!! Love the mixed greens! I want to make this into a table runner. Maybe having every other strawberry upside down so it looks good from both sides.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Yes, I agree. It IS the cutest block ever! Your big ripe berries look delicious. We still have a couple of our kits available if any of your readers are interested. They are very much like the original quilt with pinks and softer reds from Bonnie and Camille fabrics. I wanted to kit your fabric choices but our inventory was just too far gone. Do you know anywhere that I can get a bolt of the white background? That's always the problem with your fabric. If you snooze you loose. Get your PKP orders in people, it's a limited edition and you know we'll all be crying for it next spring when it's too late.

7:43 AM  
Blogger Goosegirl said...

Love love love!the strawberry block!!! I need to make some pillows today. I finally finished my sofa slipcover yesterday and now my little one feels it has been too long since I sewed something for her. So she wants a new swimsuit for her and one for each of her American Girl dolls. I really want to go to Joanns today, but i think I have everything I need here and just need to stay focused.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Miss Jean said...

Like I mentioned on FB, I think a Strawberry Pillow/Bag is in order!!!!

On the home front, doctor today, quilt/sewing show tomorrow, animal rescue show Saturday and drop off a quilt for a local quilt show and Sunday is all day sewing with friends! Whew! When am I supposed to take a nap!?!

8:28 AM  
Blogger Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

Too cute!!

11:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the shout out Pam! One more row of strawberries to go then I can start another one!

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This would also make a great table runner. So summery and bright. Laura Valdez

8:04 AM  
Blogger Sasha said...

I'm loving your strawberry blocks!!! They are going to make such a cute pillow =D

7:06 AM  

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