Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rain Rain

Hi there!  How are you? It's a cheery week here, RAIN!!!  I know it's a thumbs down kind of thing for a lot of folks who are wishing for a nice warm sunny  summer but for me, it's dreamy.  Like I just want to sit cozy in my chair  and stare out the window! But this week feels like a get things done week, so instead of staring out the window I got on with my normal stuff.

little tulip quilt

I'm headed over to Diana's today to drop off another quilt, and so I put some borders on this one  so that if at the last minute I decide to ask Diana to quilt it, I'm ready.  I like the way it turned out. I actually  even have ideas.. maybe I'll do it myself. It's not too big.  Of course big enough to not be able to get a good photo.

littel tulip quilt
This is a crazy photo shopped version of the quilt that was in one of those wonky trapezoids even though I stood on a ladder to take the picture.  ANYWAY.
Today is the last day of the Fat Quarter Quickies blog hop!    The winner is Wendy B who said:
My collection of FQs will outlive me.......maybe I should start using them instead of just admiring them!!!! LOL Perhaps I NEED this book???? thanks for the chance!!!
sugary hugs
wendy :O)
So Wendy email me so you can get started using those fat quarters!!


Blogger Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Congratulations Wendy B.
And rain?! Oh-boy! I hope it makes it's way south. I love a rainy day!

8:58 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

this is so cute, I love it...taking photos of quilts is NOT my forte. so good job.

9:53 AM  
Blogger donna said...

I love to listen to the rain. We so need the rain right now. Your quilt is sooo cute. Congrats. to Wendy. Hope you are having a great day.

2:46 PM  

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