Thursday, June 06, 2013


So what have you been up to?  I've been in the backyard working on cutting back my roses. It doesn't take many days of hot weather for all the blooms to come and go and leave the plants looking a little worse for wear.  So it's pruning season.  I've got a fresh sharp pair of clippers thanks to a practical Mother's Day gift, and I put them too good use. 

the last of them

One last flower back there.  Always sad to see the yard get crispy and a little burnt looking. It's been ingrained in me too long to conserve water, having spent many years in drought conditions, so I water enough to keep things alive, but my yard will never be the lush green oasis that I'd love.

I do treat myself to a few pots of pretty flowers for my friends the hummingbirds.  I haven't seen much of them back there, occasionally one will fly in for a drink.  I'm always so grateful to see them.
 Bret has the day off tomorrow so I  will wish you a happy weekend now.  See you next week, come by and tell me what you were up to. xop


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The heat has hit me too and now I water to just keep my garden alive, but it will look different for several months--I plant mostly in the shade of my house to have some green-the sunny spots get the desert type plants....

7:26 AM  
Blogger Josie said...

I'm out in the garden working like a farm hand trying to get to grips with the effects of too much rain for way too long. Par for the course in Scotland! It's hot here right now... made the news headlines! If only we could even out the weather worldwide.....

4:20 PM  
Blogger Jeanna said...

This week has been recovering from graduation events and setting up my new (first) blog.

My flower bed need tending so terribly bad but, being in FL, Tropical Storm Andrea is taking care of my watering :)

Have a wonderful weekend.


7:57 PM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

We are swimming back here -- wish we could send you some water! That rose picture is gorgeous!

5:37 AM  
Blogger mascanlon said...

Well SoCa has had cooler temperatures this week and my roses are thriving. My DH is retired so he gets the deadheading duty..hurrah!

3:31 PM  
Blogger Candace said...

Your gardens are such a delight, Pam! How nice to see the hummingbird, too! We finally got one the other day. Lots of cat herding going on here, so I'm afraid my garden is being a tad neglected!

10:30 AM  

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