Friday, June 28, 2013

Hello Friday!

Hi there, Happy Friday! I feel it in my bones my pattern will come today.  IT WILL RIGHT?  In the mean time I managed to entertain myself ok.  Nothing all the productive to show, but it was a good day!

quilts and rugs

Coffee on the swing takes place a lot earlier in the morning now that the weather has heated up.  Not complaining (too much) because we're still under 100, unlike some of  my pals in triple digit weather. Instagram keeps me feeling like I have little to complain about.. so I won't.  Do you instagram?  Anyway back to the coffee on the porch...  Minnick and Simpson's new book is excellent.  My favorite project is the 1868 quilt, that you can see in this post.  There's something so charming about it.  I'd love to hook the rug. I'm not a great rug hooker, but I really enjoy it. 

rain lilies

The bit of rain we had a few days ago have my rain lilies blooming away.  Way back in the  olden days when you couldn't get regional magazines and the internet was barely around, I read about them in  a Southern Living magazine that I somehow got my hands on. I can remember seeing them in a pot  on some porch steps and thinking I HAVE TO HAVE THOSE.  Of course now who knows how I got them, I know it wasn't easy.  Now you can get them at OSH for pete's sake. Anyone can get them, not just Southern Belles. 

Boy howdy I'm rambling.  Which makes me think of that wonderful Southern novel Cold Sassy Tree.  I guess I'll plan on having a cup of sweet tea this afternoon and a good read.  Happy weekending everyone! xo 


Blogger Sasha said...

Your rain lilies are beautiful! Instagram is my new favorite form of social media. I think I'm the last person on planet earth to buy a cell phone, but I love having it so far!!

5:39 AM  
Blogger mascanlon said...

Such a pretty pink in that lily! I have the new Minick and Simpson book too, the rugs are so lovely but I can't even keep up with my quilting projects so I will refrain!

6:11 AM  
Blogger Breesmimi said...

Rain lily, I've never heard of but it sure is a pretty lily! Love the book Cold Sassy Tree, it reminds me of my grandmother's family and the way they spoke in southern ease. The sequel was good too but the first was my favorite. Enjoy sitting on the porch, sipping your tea and reading this book!

7:37 AM  
Blogger Melissa P said...

It's the perfect time for afternoon iced tea and book. Lazy summer days are here!

8:05 AM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

"Happy Weekending" -- I love that. Backatcha PKM!

11:40 AM  
Blogger Annelies said... I see our Strawberry Pattern is sold as a PDF!!! That would have cured our anxiety while we waited (G)!!!!
Oh well, I will have to remember that for next time. I hope you are having SEW much fun cutting Strawberries. XXX

8:29 AM  
Blogger Sharrieboberry said...

Ah! The olden days when we got our information about plants and recipes from magazines and books!

I have some white rain lillies. I'm interested in the pink. Will have to check out The Southern Bulb company.

8:28 PM  
Blogger Pam E said...

I love all of your fabrics. I commented on the red dress you posted on Facebook. I made a pillow for my granddaughter from one of your panel pics. She carries it everywhere.

12:46 PM  

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