Thursday, July 25, 2013

Buried Treasure

For a lot of years I worked in a quilt shop.  It was great fun for all kinds of reasons as you can imagine.  One of the really fun things was making samples for the shop.  I love lots of different styles, and it was a wonderful outlet for using colors outside your normal range.   Recently I unearthed a project that I'd made from Marsha McCloskey's Fat Eights and Friends when it first came out.  Some of the old unquilted tops no longer speak to me, so I give them away or donate them,  but this one still made me happy, so I had it quilted up.  Love it.  I see some of my first pieces of Japanese fabric in this quilt, I saved every little piece because at the time, it seemed to precious and expensive. 

I'm cracking myself up over my desire for good photos.  I have a new lens and have to say you can throw all kinds of money at your expensive camera but if the 'photographer' doesn't fully 'get it', you'll still have the same photos.  Couple that with a less than pinterest lifestyle, well you get this.  My pot with the sticker residue that will not WILL NOT come off and somehow always ends up pointing out. My crumbling  See Rock City birdhouse that we just can't quite bear to throw away but is in really really rough shape. That was a great vacation. And I never ever noticed that my little bird had paint splatter on her. I guess age has diminished my eyesight just enough.

But you don't need to have a pinterest lifestyle to enjoy pinterest that's for sure.  You'll find me there later.  So in the meantime, what are you up to? And how did it get to be Thursday already?

p.s. complete surprise to me... look at these cute red vintage style scissors from Sharon!  I just about died when I opened the package.  They are so PKM! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

scissors from Sharon at Daisy Cottage Quilting


Blogger mascanlon said...

I think you have a real lifestyle Pam. Looks like our yard, a few lush spots and few pots with stickers on them and bird poop. How fun to open a sweet little package of red, a nice treat from a sweet friend.

5:53 AM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

You're too funny PKM. I LOVE your styled photos -- and very cute little quilt. And lucky you! Those scissors are adorable -- that Sharon is a keeper!

6:08 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Isn't it fun to uncover old treasures like that? Love your photo and those hydrangeas. I'm so jealous, mine are pitiful. You do have wonderful friends Pam but it's because you are one. You like no other, are always there to cheers us on. You do so much for others, always without fan fare. Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

6:16 AM  
Blogger Martha said...

I love the way this was quilted. Such inspiration to do better. Pots with stickers and slightly worn birdhouses? It's great. Nice to know I'm not the only non-perfectionist in this world.

7:09 AM  
Blogger Melissa P said...

Some of us need to be dedicated to our less-than-perfect, so-not-magazine-ready lifestyle. The amount of time and effort it would take to change would guarantee we never got another creative thing done in our lives. And that's just not a good trade off! I love how you staged the first photos and wouldn't have noticed any of those things anyway. Must be my own poor eyesight. ;)

7:32 AM  
Blogger Belle and Buttercup said...

Gorgeous quilt! And you're cracking me up - I think I'll be using the phrase "Pinterest Lifestyle" a lot in the future......when I'm talking about my lack of one that is! And I'm pretty sure all of your readers think you DO have a Pinterest Lifestyle!

2:38 PM  

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