Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Hi there... what are you up to?  Yesterday I finally got out my roll of Heat and Bond Lite and got busy tracing all the elements of my Celebrations Yard Party quilt.  I can't find the pattern on Pat's website right now, but I know it must still be available!  It's adorable, right? 

to do list

I am more than a little intimidated by the applique. The only other big project that I've done was Elizabeth's block of the month quilt Flight of Fancy, which you can see here. Of course I had Elizabeth around to help me on it, so that made it seem less intimidating.

Yard Party

I'm taking my time, picking out fabrics, getting them ready.  This is as far as I've gone, I love the bee skeps and couldn't wait! 

What are you working on? 


Blogger Thimbleanna said...

Oooh PKM -- this is going to be cute in PKM fabrics!!!

5:51 AM  
Blogger mascanlon said...

So adorable Pam, will be watching your progress with great anticipation! I was making good progress on Impromptu, all the blocks done now but it looks like my granddaughter may arrive a week or so ahead of schedule so I have switched to a quick batch of burp cloths and little bibs this week.

6:30 AM  
Blogger Melissa P said...

You're off to a beautiful start! Love that bird.

7:26 AM  
Blogger Cissa K said...

So beautiful. I just moved this week, so I am hoping to unpack my studio and hopefully my sewing machine will be fine after 1320 miles in the big moving truck.

7:57 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

HOLY COW. THe bird and beehive are so darling with PKM fabric. You continue to amaze me in ways the fabric works so well. Love you.

2:42 PM  

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