Hi there, Happy Friday! I'm back and feeling pretty chipper in spite of what my cough sounds like! I had a nice couple of days laying around even though overall I never really felt too terrible...but I'm back in the swing of things.
When we last met up I showed you my strawberry pillow. Thanks for all the lovely comments. The Strawberry Social quilt and my strawberry pillow were just the kind of fun projects that I have needed. But then they were over and I have been wondering what to start. Luckily my friend Sarah came to the rescue. She put out a request for tea cup blocks, and I'm getting ready to make mine. That will tide me over till I get my act together on a new project.
And now for the winner of the Strawberry Summer Surprise, it's Jan who said:
I visit your site nearly daily, it is my morning boost! A fire destroyed the home of a young couple and little daughter a couple of days ago in our town. She is a budding quilter. A sewing machine was donated for her and people will be giving her quilting supplies so if I am chosen, I will pass this sweet little gift on to her! Thanks. Jan "

Jan, please contact me so I can send your prize! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! xo
Nicely done Jan!
Yay for feeling better! Just in time for Friday and the weekend too.
Have a great one!
Glad you are better and I am looking forward to seeing the tea cup blocks.
Jan - you're the best! What a wonderful thing to do.
I am so excited to receive these sweet fabrics to pass on to Petrina. I know she will make something special for that little daughter of hers! There is nothing like sewing pleasant fabrics together for therapy! Thank you so much! Jan
And won't those cute kitty and strawberry finds from Japantown be fun for the girl! Jan
Very happy to hear you are feeling better! And excited to read Jan won and will see they go where they are truly needed.
Congratulations to Jan! Kudos for passing along your win to someone who will appreciate it. Glad you are feeling better, Pam.
Happy Sewing!
Nancy (from Bakersfield)
Don't you just love it when nice people do nice things? :)
If anyone wants to see a picture of Petrina and the things that the guild put together for her, check out Rain Day Quilters on Facebook. The quilt behind her and the quilt on the ottoman are gifts from the guild, as well as all of the supplies. One of the things the guild does is give a quilt to any family who experiences a fire, including the children. Jan
Hello, Pam Kitty Morning . . . the box arrived Friday and I gave it to Petrina's Mom this morning to pass it along to her. She was pretty excited about it and knows that Petrina will make something for her daughter. Petrina went to the burned house and was scooping ashes aside and found a couple of quilts that have some salvageable areas that are going to be made into a teddy bear and a table runner. Of the three machines that she had, you can still see the metal interior of the Bernina, the others are totally gone. Anyway, thanks again for the gift! Jan
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