Breakfast of Champions
Frankie brought me this tiny sweet little pink donut the other day. Really cute right?

Tasty too. Wish I had one this morning. I need to kick all kinds of sewing... well you know. I have a ton of stuff to do and very little self control when it comes to the computer and blogs and email.. so I might take off a day or two to get things going. But I have plenty of stuff to blog about when I come back.
That's right, my second crabapple tree is blooming.
Have a happy weekend in case I don't 'see' you tomorrow. xo
Happy sewing & finishing ;0)
Have a great weekend!!
Happy sewing and cute donut eating ! Have a good weekend!
What a gorgeous crab apple tree! My wisteria is blooming, but it is raining so much I can barely see it.
Love those crab apple blooms! Hope the wind isn't blowing them away...can't wait to see what you do in the next few days! Oh, that donut has me salivating!
Two pink pictures! Very pretty.
Good luck on "Kickin' it" on the sewing PKM! You'll do good!
Happy sewing & pink donut eating! Your tree is beautiful!
Happy sewing :)
Man, I wish I had a donut right now. I wish I had a blooming crabapple, too. Have a great weekend!
heckfire, I not only wish I had a donut but I wish I had a flowering crabapple tree and any sort of spring prognosis. I woke up this morning to see SNOW around the forsythia! My poor tulips. Man, I'm just all kindza cranked about it.
And I thought it was one of those cute donut pincushions !!!
Hope you had a good, productive sewing day PKM. Can't wait to see what you've been up to!
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