Thursday, October 09, 2008

Quilt Market Preparation

It's hard to find things to blog about when all the real sewing I'm doing is for Quilt Market and can't be revealed. That means there's not a lot to share on the blog. I doubt you care about how I cleaned my stupid solid surface cook top this morning. It just doesn't hold that fascination that just about anything else does. Still, it needed to be done. I bought one of those cool new cleaning kits by Scotch-Brite. I liked the idea of the handle. My wrists are wimpy and it was easier than using just a sponge with a scrubby side. But not as easy as having someone else do it for me.
Because I can't get over how much I really like cute little kits, I ordered this from Jen Duncan. I copy-catted Monica, she got one, and took a bunch of darling photos of it. She might blog it later. She's a gad-about-town and doesn't give us what we need, which is more posts with darling photos. Monica, get on that. Anyway, I love the whole presentation which Jen is a whiz at.

Elizabeth gave me some bits of Holly's new fabric and I cut myself some hexagons using my Darlene Zimmerman ruler and I'm going to make some little hex flowers like in my cool new book. Which in case you wondered, can be ordered here. I think page three!

Ok, that's about it. Hope you guys are doing good. xo


Blogger Unknown said...

I think that you blogged about neat stuff anyway. We all just need to be patient, quilt market is just a stone's throw away.

5:01 AM  
Blogger little acorns said...

Oh . . . you are tempting me with your last photo! I have promised myself that after Market - I get to finally start making 'flower garden' blocks. (Jere'e just got the hexegon for her Accu-cut . . . & I'm ready to "go to town" on my blocks!. . .) But. . . first. . . Market. (But I love your choice of fabrics for your project . . . those adorable Doll Dress fabrics will be perfect!)
See you SOON !!! xo, Bren

6:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darling is the operative word! You've shown us some darling things this fine day. And, hey, I just ordered a Jolly Pack of the new Lakehouse pretties. I like your genius idea of usage. BTW, ixnay on the arketmay mentions--ARE YOU TRYING TO DEPRESS ME??????? I am but a shell....

6:03 AM  
Blogger Thimbleanna said...

We want to hear about anything you have to report. And smooth cooktops are no exception. I mistakenly thought that if I got a smooth cooktop it would be easy to clean. It still gets dirty -- imagine that! So, I figure if it's going to get dirty anyway, I might as well move to gas. Someday.

Love the kit and hexagons. So cute!

6:31 AM  
Blogger jenny allsorts said...

Hehe I bought one of those kits, too! How could one resist that little tin with cherries on top?

Great minds as they say... ;o)

6:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am so excited to hear and see about market though. I can not wait. I am going to my first quilt show and little market this weekend! It will have to tide me over.

8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know how to push my buttons... flattery works on me every time. You make me gush.

I love that little kit from Jen, and also love the little hex flower you made. Most of all... I love you!

9:54 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

For a girl with nothing to blog about (legally) you sure made my eyes pop with those darling pictures.

Now ... if I could just get my own wimpy wrists on that Scotch Brite thingy, I'd be good to go.

11:45 AM  
Blogger jen duncan said...

Hey Pam! I first opened this post this morning, but then followed the link to those DARLING Lakehouse fabrics. Oh My. anyway, just remembered to come back and say THANKS for the shout out. Sold 'em all. Wish I'd made more! :-)

8:05 PM  
Blogger Angelina said...

Call me weird but I love hearing about how people get the dirty stuff done! I'm still using the sponge with scrubby side when I get around to doing it at all.

I like the idea of someone else doing it though. Intriguing...

I love the hexagon pieces but am terrified to try and make them! So wonderfully vintage and yet always still fresh to me.

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the hexagons and with Holly's fabric...WOW...soooo pretty!!! Thought I'd say "hi" and take a lttle break from sewing.

11:15 AM  
Blogger Camille said...

CUTE! I am so jealous, I went over to get my own yo you kit and they were all gone. Darn it! I know what you mean about not spilling the Market beans. Not fun!

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the ebay store that sells Japanese craft books! $100 and three hours later, I was *still* looking. I bought some books that have plenty of zipper pouches in them---some with hexagons.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well your blog IS wonderful - just as Freda (Nanette( said it would be! I can't wait to see what you're sewing up for marke!! I was lucky enough to accompany a friend to the Portland market and I'm still in awe of everything I saw! Sew many little time! Nan

11:51 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Paganelli said...

Have fun at market!!! My love to the girls..Jennifer

5:28 PM  
Blogger Green Kitchen said...

Bought my plane tix. Woo baby!

10:36 PM  

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