Good Morning! I'm starting the fun out with some photos from the drive. Spring was good to us this year, no snow on the road, just on the mountains. Like we like it!

Mount Shasta couldn't be any prettier.

We had some problems finding a good place to eat. We did stop here.. and it was interesting. The people couldn't have been nicer. Let's leave it at that.
We drove without incident all the way to Springfield Oregon where we found the most delightful antique store.
Elizabeth has the name of it..we had a great time there, lots of goodies and we both found something. I haven't unearthed anything I bought yet. Bounty to follow on another day.
We dropped off all the stuff at the convention center. Man, was it ever hot in Portland. Thank goodness we had a lovely room at the
Heathman. What a grand hotel that is. I think Elizabeth and I had the nicest room there, others had some complaints about a/c and um, plumbing (yikes) but it was lovely. Simply lovely.
My favorite part was the
Peets and French Press. And why didn't I know how fast an electric tea kettle works? Seriously people. Wow.
And wow.. what about those headboards and the mural outside our window. Room with a View my friends.
We had a good celebrity siting while hanging out front of ballroom. HOLY COW its Jennifer
Paganelli. How much do we love her? She could not be any warmer and more friendly.

How cool are we all taking each others photos?
Ok, we're dorks. But you love us anyway, right?
Monica and me.

And these are the lovely ladies who took our picture. You know meeting people is really my favorite part. So lots of people pictures to come peeps. See you later!
Going from blog to blog, collecting all the bits and pieces from Market... it's fun and I can see that it is almost too much fun to describe and summarize, because there was so much to it! It's so sweet of everyone to share their highlights and happy photos. Thank you for *bringing* us along.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us. You are feeding my appetite for pics and news. Love the photos. Jennifer Paganelli visited our blog yesterday. It makes ME feel like a celebrity just having her stop by! It looks like you had a great time. Everytime I take a trip I'm always amazed how nice strangers are. Quilt strangers are certainly the BEST!
I love the photo of the I Heart Jennifer Paganelli Fan Club meeting! Gonna have to think of a name for us - like Manilow has the Fanilows, Clay whatshisface has the Claymates. Thinking. Thinking. Thinking....
Cracking up... why is Jennifer pointing to my stomach? Must have been my feeding time and it was rumbling.
So good to see you Pam. Forget about Jennifer, I'm in the PMK fan club. HA!
- Suzanne
Peets and French press in your ROOM! Man, I've been staying at the wrong hotels.
Love the celebrity pics!
I'm having a blast jumpinb back and forth between your's and Elizabeth's blogs to see what all you two did! What fun!!!
Youch, you just hurt me with that picture of the coffee hook-up.
Too TOO fun! So glad we peons get to live vicariously through you gals. :-)
Those headboards are tooooooo much!!!! Did they make those special for you gals???
Oh, I am so jealous! Looks like a blast!
I enjoyed your pictures. It looks like you had a fun time.
I'm so sad I missed my chance to hang out with you and Monica. If I had thought about it ahead of time I would have demanded that my dad arrange his wedding so that I don't miss meeting up with my famous friends!!!
It was nice seeing you and Elizabeth, even if we didn't have time for a picture. One morning before Market opened I tried to get around to see all of the vendors and thought Elizabeth's booth was so pretty. Glad you had a great trip.
Whew! I have now officialy caught up on your trip and posts. OMG! Love your bag (too cute!), your car and your booth. I spy some very adorable pottery pieces on the shelf, too. Never have seen a wheelbarrow before like that. Such good taste you have. ;) You all look like a fun bunch of women who would be wonderful to hang around. More pics, please!
How adorable was that restaurant? How adorable are you? Very!
Oh Pam. You are so funny. I can't tell you how much I miss you over at the shop. Its not the same without you there.
Take care.
What fun you guys had. Great seeing your photos and Elizabeth's. Wow, those headboards are somethin'!!
Why does it look like Jennifer is saying :"Who ARE these people?!?!" :)
Anyway ... looks like you girls all had a great time and are all in the running for the Miss Conduct award !!
I can't believe I missed out on seeing you guys!! Isn't Jennifer P (JPag) the best? I'm still on cloud nine from the whole thing!
What fun you two had! Wish I could have been there : ) think I'm warm and friendly??? I couldn't have been greeted by a more genuine group of amazing women. Thank you for taking me under your wing and making me feel at home so many miles away!!! You dazzled me with your sweetness...Jennifer
I loved looking at your pictures and seeing what you experienced at Market. Thank you for taking so many pictures and posting so much information! I know it's nothing like being there, but your blog does give us a sense of the excitement, friendships, joy of creating ans sharing! Thank you!
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