I'm really enjoying this crazy cool weather we're having here in Northern California. It's going to heat up again by the end of next week, so I'm enjoying every chilly second of it. Believe me, 70s is much preferable to the high 90s plus we'd normally be having. It is cutting into my regular swing time though, it's too chilly out in your pjs at 7am. Yesterday I was barely able to flip through my Mollie Makes before I had to come inside.

My little hydrangea is confused, some of it's leaves are already turning fall colors and it's still blooming like it's spring. Anyway, I'm off again to the airport this morning. Bret has been doing a lot of traveling lately. He hasn't been as lucky with the weather though. He'll be happy to fly through the fog this morning and walk out into some cool humidity free air!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend my very special peoples. xo
Hi Pam, I am eagerly awaiting your fabrics to arrive at the Fat Quarter Shop. I live in Ireland and will be visiting the Bay area in California in three weeks so appreciate your weather info. Can you recommend any good quilt shops I should visit while in California?
Love the blog!
Love the whole morning swing time! And the hydrangeas. My daughter and I planted the most beautiful Rose of Sharon covered with blossoms. I wish I'd gotten a picture of the front garden we planted before the hail decimated it. But this morning - one of the buds left of the ROS was blooming. Hopefully some of the other plants will bounce back soon too! At least it cut my grass down and pruned the lilacs for me. And made some delightful mulch for the dirt areas.
Have a great weekend! I have been enjoying the cooler weather up here. It's usually in the 100s by now. This morning it's 55 with a high today of 82. My sunflowers are 12 feet high but only have a few flowers. They are going to bust out next week when the weather heats up. And I will be inside watching them from the window. I just wasn't made for the heat. I say that every summer up here for the last 36 years. Bye for now!
I see where it is in the 50's and fogy in S.F. today. It's been really breezy over here all week. Just when I get the deck swept up, it gets messy again from the redwoods. Small price to pay for the nice weather, though. Have a great weekend. Saturday I'm off to Sacramento to pick up my machine and my friend and I are going quilt hopping!
I can't wait to get some of this fabric! When I click on the PDF for the swatch booklet, I just get a gray screen....anybody else say this??? Could you send me the PDF in an emai please? Sandy
We love our morning coffee on the bad I only get to do it on weekends! Its been cool and overcast in SoCal this week too but I hate to mention it with all the heat in midwest and south.
Can you send me some of your wonderful weather because I'm praying for SNOW!! I've had it with the heat and humidity. It's awful this summer. I'm begging you!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS. KITTY!!!! Hope you are doing something fun today. xoxo sb
Hi Pam! I am really hoping it gets warmer up here in Santa Rosa. My hubby is loving the cool weather, but I am downright cold. But it is good baking weather. I will probably whine if it gets too hot next week. But just 5 degrees warmer would be lovely right now. Happy Monday!
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