In the news
You could have knocked me down with a feather when Roseann sent me a picture from the latest FabShop News magazine. Me. Right there. Holy cow.

Honestly I still can't believe it. Any of it. Thanks FabShop Network for featuring my fabric in your magazine !!
Yeah for you!!!!!
You have worked so hard promoting your friends it is nice to see you have some time in the spotlight.
Yup, got my issue and saw you there and was giddy! I just assumed you knew. Congrats!
How fun! I am so happy for you brighten any day! Now even more quilters will know about you and your talents! Xo Pam in Chico
Exciting new fabrics, by emerging new designers!" Love it! You are more than worthy.
Congratulations! Looking forward to more sightings as PKM fabric begins to make its way into people's stashes.
Congrats! :-)
You rock star you!
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! you are amazing!!!!
You are a star my dear.
Wooohoooo! Yea Pam!!!
Saw my rep yesterday. Now to decide on which ones! Help please.
Well you know it is because you are fabulous. Fab.U.Lous.
Pammy so happy for you. Your many kindnesses to others are returned to you. I am very happy to see your star shine.
Pat B.
Congratulations! Great picture and great fabrics too!
Go PamKitty!
SEWWWWWWWWWWWW happy 4 u!!!!
Congrats Pam, that is great! You deserve the recognition. :-)
My husband and I are driving to Alaska from Indiana next week and I plan to stop at alot of quilt shops. I sure hope I can get some of your fabric. I am not just saying this, it is the prettiest fabric I have seen in a long time. I love every piece of it!
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