It's been a couple of very full days around here in PamKittyville. Yesterday I raced off at the first sign of great sunshine, Elizabeth and I had a plans for a photo shoot day. You can tell we make every effort to get a good photo.
After that I raced down to Monterey to visit Frankie and return her phone. We had a great time walking up and down the farmer's market and I didn't even get any photos. She had told me about a street performer who had a rabbit that sat on his head. That seemed right up my alley, but he wasn't out yesterday. DANG IT. Tons of people though, the weather was amazing. We had a great dinner at Rosine's and then headed home to watch Happy Town before I left. Spooky!

Anyway... Elizabeth says we can start showing off our new stuff pretty soon! Market deadlines loom !!! Have a great day people! I'm off to catch up on some oddball stuff around here that needs doing. Then heading back to Elizabeth's. OMG people, her back yard was so pretty yesterday. Perfect mix of shade and sun.
Ok, see you later!
You're killin' me I tell ya! Monterey??!! Another favorite place on earth.
I just watched my first episode of Happy Town. I'm hooked. I blame you.
E reminds me of Umbrella Man in Portland's Livingroom - too cute. Have fun today... and watch out for the Magic Man!
You will be sharing some of your photographs, riiiight?!
Can't wait to see all the treasures you two have been working on! (And I am so jealous some of its HZ's stuff, us mere mortals are still waiting )
Sounds like a perfect day in PamKittyville. I need a trip down to Monterey to see my girl soon, too!
Woo hoo! New stuff! Can't wait to see the goods!
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