Monday, May 03, 2010


Good morning, how was the weekend? The weather was so nice here I can't believe it. The windows are already open this morning! FRESH AIR!!!

Friday night Joanna invited us over for some pre-market sewing. I snapped a few photos for your viewing pleasure. Joanna's new spring market offerings are wonderful, as usual. Just wait till you see all the beautiful fabric and patterns!

It was great. Hope you guys had a good weekend too. xo


Blogger Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Yummy colors and cute stuff here! How much fun this must have been. Joanna is such a neat gal! Had a chance to meet her last year. Fun time!

Have a great day! Windows are open here, too. Hopefully we won't be beaten around today by that wind!


7:34 AM  
Blogger mascanlon said...

What a fun sewing date. I'm jealous but Joanna's fabric is all over my sewing room as we speak, I'm making hexagon blocks from Fresh Cottons so I guess I can pretend I'm there too!

7:39 AM  
Blogger Catsngrams said...

What fun stuff. I had visions of what to do with it. I bet you had a great day. I want some sun it is still cloudy here and not too impressive.

8:02 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

I could just weep over the amazingness that is all over Joanna's place. And I think I have!

9:04 AM  
Blogger Farmgirl Cyn said...

I love all the colors and summer feel to your photos!

9:52 AM  
Blogger alobsiger said...

I NEVER have as much fun as you. Never! It's good to know someone is having that much fun! I just took the down comforter off the bed this morning, so I'm have positive weather thoughts for the month of May. Too bad the weeds got the memo on that as well.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Kathi D said...

It almost felt like summer here yesterday. My vegetable garden is getting plowed up today, and I'll be planting soon. That should bring on a freezing night.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous EricaG said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile, but I don't think that I've ever commented. I love the direct address of your posts. It feels like you just popped into the room for a quick "hello" and an update before heading out again. Your photos are full of color and inspiration!

1:19 PM  
Blogger Sherri said...

Lucky you!!! I think I need to live in northern Cal!

8:06 AM  
Anonymous happy zombie said...

That photo of Joanna.... Ahhhhhh dorable! Cutest photo ever. EVER!

8:54 AM  

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