Hi there! You're here at the "i" on the Be Mine Banner Swap Blog Hop! I was so exited to be included in this great swap. You can find links to all the instructions at the end of this post!
Now to get started I have a pdf that you can
download here! It has your triangle shapes, as well as the letter "i" already reversed for tracing onto fusible web. Print that out and lets get started! (be sure and set your printer to scale and not fit the page. Your outer banner triangle should be 6 inches wide at the top and 8 1/2 inches long to the point.)
You will need the following:
(1) 9" x 7" linen white felt
(1) 9" x 7" pink fabric
(1) 2" x wof strip for ruffle cut with a pinking edge rotary cutter
(1) 1 1/2" x wof strip for ruffle cut with a pinking edge rotary cutter
(1) 9" x 7" fusible web
(1) 2"x 3" fusible web
(1) 2" x 3" red for letter i.
(1) large and (1) small red heart button
7" pink mini rick rack
(2) 10" medium pink rick rack
(2) 10" red ribbon
Please note, if you don't have decorative shears of rotary cutting blades, straight cuts will be just fine!
Cut out your felt using a decorative rotary cutter OR decorative shears. Trace your smaller banner piece and letter "i" onto fusible web. Fuse to the respective fabric pieces and cut out.
Fuse your pink banner centering it on the felt piece.
Fuse your "i" in place low on the pink inner banner piece about 1 1/2 inches from the tip. Machine blanket stitch the pink banner piece and the letter "i". If you don't have blanket stitch capability on your machine you can straight stitch around the edges or stitch by hand! Be a rebel, it's a banner, you don' t even have to stitch if you don't want to!

Center you smaller ruffle strip onto the larger ruffle strip and press. This will help those pieces stay together while you stitch them together down the center with your ruffler foot. I set mine on 6. If you don't have a ruffler foot you can run a basting stitch down the center and pull up your stitches till you get your desired amount of ruffle. Need help with your ruffler foot?
Head over HERE to the Quilt Show and watch Alex demonstrate. (you can become a free member of The Quilt Show and see this video plus lots of fun free content)
Stitch your ruffle along the top of the banner piece centering your ruffled stitch line on the top of the pink banner piece. Your ruffle should show about 3/4 of an inch above the felt piece. Trim the side edges even with the banner side edge, using decorative shears or rotary cutter. Topstitch mini rick rack on the stitching line.
I tied my buttons on with a knot leaving ties using red Aurifil 30wt thread. You could also use embroidery thread or perle cotton. I hand stitched ribbon and rick rack ties to the back of the banner. But those eyelets that others have used look like the best idea ever!

Here's a picture of the full banner taken by
Roseann!!! It's adorable, right?
And here's mine at my house! So cheerful!
Here's the list of swappers, where you can find instruction on how to make each of the of the letter's in "Be Mine".
I: That's me!
Hope you enjoyed all the great tutorials! xo