Time is on my side
My roses are all in bloom now. In fact almost bloomed out already! The fluctuation in temperatures seems to have confused them.

This is the kind of person I want to be, the kind who has flower arrangements on the patio, like I just stopped there after some gardening. In my Cath Kidston gloves. In that pretty way think other people live their lives.

This weekend we're treating ourselves to a yard clean up. Bret works long hours and I have been busy and we've let the yard go wild. So come Saturday evening, my yard will be free of weeds. We're not good at keeping up, but we'll give it a try.
So Saturday, I will be that person, at least for an evening!
If you want to see something funny, go over to The Quilt Show blog and watch Alex's Lightbulb birthday video on the daily blog. You don't need to belong to watch it, it's hilarious. Part two is here.
Man... you even scoop me on the blooming roses!
Ah, yes, if only my weeds looked good in a vase!
The videos are so funny!. . . the suspense was killing me! :-) Alex has such a great sense of humor. . . over there in the cultural center of Livermore!
I think your roses & plants are beautiful. . . !
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Sorry. . . that was me (doing all the deleting). . . Blogger seems to be napping today. . . really slow!!
Pam - if you are looking to claim any exclusivity about the "messy housekeeper" thing you can forget about it. You'll need to get in line behind me because I've been messy housekeeping for WAY more years than you.
I love those videos. I'm trying to find a way to upload audio files so that I can have a "She Speaks" site. Can anybody help?
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Chaos reigns in my kingdom as well.
Let us raise our goblets and toast our creative-chaotic selves. Cheers!
I think that is one reason I love your blog so much - you are just you. Yeah I admit to liking me some chaos too. Who wouldn't if you had 8 kids? Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking. Anyway yeah my yard needs some sproosing up too. And kitchen and the laundry room. Most of the other stuff is generally ok. I do admire those people who have everything perfect. But ya gotta wonder if it really is. The older I get the more I know life is not perfect and chaos rules.
So yeah, love the post and the roses. Good luck in the yard.
You clever little girl! You thought you could sneak us a peak at your little Scottys and I wouldn't notice!!! If they ever need a good home or if you need a babysitter for them..........
I have to go now. I want to put a vase of flowers out on the patio! By the way. Those yellow roses are georgeous!
Beautiful! More important things than cleaning your house my friend.
All of the interesting, creative people I know have a few layers of chaos in their lives. That's what makes them so interesting! Enjoyed the post.
I think that silly lightbulb was 100 years old back in 1974 when I graduated from Livermore High School. If I'm 34 years older, how can it be only 7 years older???
Miss seeing you at the shop, Pam.
Sherry H.
How DO those busy people have those perfect organized lives? I'm happy to hear that at least my chaos on top of chaos is in good company!
Who can have a clean house and quilt at the same time? I admire those who have tidy piles.
Love the scotty do dads!!!!!
I want to be that person too!
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