Time flies!
Time has flown by since I returned from my trip. It was a great time and I am know I am so lucky to have great friends with great families who welcome me into their home like a long lost member. Nanette's family is so wonderful and I really enjoy spending time with them. I was lucky to meet two of her sisters this time and a third sister sent me the most adorably sweet Christmas ornament she had made. How lucky am I? Well super lucky. The weather was amazing and I did get to drive in snow just a tad, the fall weather there is glorious which of course made it hard to return home to ninety degree plus weather, but what can you do? You can't just move in with people. (can you?)
I came home with a bit of a cold, so I took it easy for the past couple of days but that's boring after a while. Plus my little give away has been weighing on my mind, so today's the day. I picked a number and counted down and Sharrieboberry, who said "Suh-weet! I love this Buttercup mix. So cute. I'm partial to the name buttercup. That's the name of my sweet pup!" is the winner! So Sharrie email me at rocketqltr at yahoo dot com and give me your mailing address and I'll send this little kit along to you. I hope you ordered your copy of Tablerunner Bliss by Sherri Falls! Also Sharrie, we'd love to see a picture of that sweet pup !!!!
That's it for me. What's new with you? Hope you have a happy weekend!