Believe it or not, I have been doing some for me sewing. I opened up my Minnie Muu packet and look what I made! Don't know if I'll do anything with the pattern, I just enjoyed making it. So what the heck, I decided to show it here. It's all Lecien, but I added some lights for variety.

and it's a crapshoot whether it matches. This kind of matching (two points facing each other) is my kryptonite. I pin and then I baste and then I pull out the threads.. it's an endless process. Sometimes I get lucky and I can make it work. Sometimes, no amount of pinning and basting gives me the results I'm looking for. So, with each project I try and better my skills from cutting to piecing.. and it's worth it. And when I start to feel too frustrated, I just do the best I can, and that keeps me happy while sewing. It's only fun as along as it stays fun, right? If you're not enjoying it, it's time to walk away. For a while anyway.

Plus as a bonus, Frankie will be home for a few days. School starts up soon and she wants to get in a nice visit chock full of meatloaf and spaghetti dinners while she's here. So the pickin's might be slim around here for a few days. Have a good week!
P.S. Check this out. It's amazing. I mean OH!MY!GOSH! And this.. totally cute. How can there be people who don't like fabric?
P.S. Check this out. It's amazing. I mean OH!MY!GOSH! And this.. totally cute. How can there be people who don't like fabric?
The Oggler here....I love the color themes and the pattern is great. I think your corners are great , you should see some of mine....Do you actually know Alex? I think she is so neat and kind. I think she would be a great person to be friends with...Please tell her Hi for me from Jeff City, MO....I love your blog.....
Your quilt is so fun and full of like. I love it. Your points look good too. I loved your blog, it's my first time. I will be back. Have a great day, Em
Seriously??? Those corners look great to me! If those aren't perfect then I should probably just stick with basic patchwork squares for a while! The pattern is super cute too, hmmm I wonder what you should do with it?? : )
Have a fun visit with Frankie!
Your Minnie Muu piece is so cute! Love it, Love it, Love it! And yes I agree with you about keeping it fun. I have walked away from projects too when piecing a section got too frustrating. Coming back to it after some time away does help. Got to keep it fun.
Gee, those points look pretty darn perfect to me! Very cute...what is the pattern?
great job!!
i love the caramel town fabric in the link too. :)
Your piecing looks perfect to me. The pattern is adorable Pam! And that fabric, oh and cherries too!!
Don't even get me on the subject of fabric!!! The Farmer thinks I'm insane.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Oh what a cute quilt LOVE those sweet fabrics! The points look great to me! Have a wonderful week!
This is darling. And you did a fabulous job. Points schmoints - they look pretty darn perfect to me. I did the same thing the past couple days. I whipped up a Japanese fabric fun quilt. Yours is much better than mine. I wish I'd have seen yours first before starting mine but we had similar ideas I think. I'll post mine later this week but mine isn't 100%Japanese fabric - just mostly.
Okay. . . please, please, please promise me you will never look very close at my seams & points.(!) Unless I was making something that would be 'judged" I could never think of worrying about it so much. And to me - both of your photos look fine to me! So - you amaze me & I Alex is one lucky girl!
Have fun with Frankie! (Is Binzer coming too?)
xo, Bren
Those are some perfect points! No wonder you're a celebrity stunt sewer. Love that Carmel Town -- thanks for the link!
OHMYHECK... I love what you made. I thought the blocks alone were killer... and now put all together... OMH! I love it!
What rock have I been under??? OMH (a penalty for my over use at this point)... I love the joujou!!! And it screams PKM too.
Sigh. I love Lecien.
Fantabulous! And, yes, I echo an earlier comment, what pattern is this? What a happy project!
So cute and I think your piecing looks great! So true...when it is no longer fun, walk away. Love the prints although I have never come across any in person, just eyeing it online.
What is WRONG with people who don't like fabric??? Oh well, leaves more for those of us that do. ;)
what a great design! I really like it so much. And who doesn't love Japanese Fabric
I love love love your MM quilt. The pattern is so charming and the lighter fabrics accent the colors so well! Didn't you know that perfect points just mean you're showing off? Who needs 'em? ;)
I love your quilt, and I think you corners are really pretty good. And who doesn't like fabric? Seriously?
Great fabrics and lovely piecing!
i think your points are perfect in every way. i truly can't see anything wrong with them. point flaunter!
that lecien cherry fabric has PKM written all over it!!! i just love their fabric!
great job on your project. be sure to show us what you do with it.
aren't you supposed to be painting something?
Loving this quilt you are doing. Pretty colors!
I love the quilt...great job...the colors are spectacular!!!
Polly in Long Beach:)
Holy crap Pam- I flippin' love this! You deserve a gold medal in ...matching two points togeter... SERIOUSLY LOVE THIS and GADS Lecien is just the best.
I love the fabrics, and your piecing is perfect!
Have fun with Frankie.
You're causing major droolage here! I'm loving this quilt!
Love, love, love, love, love the quilt!! You are right though sometimes you just need to walk away! Anyone who doesn't like fabric needs their temp taken. Love your cabinet and floor too...beautiful!!
Yummy fabrics!
Now really Pam. You would need a magnifying glass to see anything amiss there. It looks awesome to me!
hi! i just stumbled on your blog, and i love it! you are very talented. i look forward to visiting often!
feel free to swing by The Pink Potpourri...we have weekly giveaways,and are currently promoting a swap!
your points are perfect! Alex is a lucky woman. Can you stunt sew for me if I ever get all famous? I love love love the colors and the fabric. I really don't trust those that don't like chocolate or fabric ;-)
Your quilt is darling!I love the Lecien, but it's very hard to find. Where did you get the Minnie Muu packet from?
Well, you inspired me to order some Lecien fabric from an Etsy seller and it's just adorable. Doll quilt for Rory's future doll bed perhaps...Or maybe i'll just look at it for a while and enjoy flowers. Vicki at
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