Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Psycho Saturday
Ok, that's not what I called it, that's what the USA network called their Law and Order Criminal Intent marathon but hey, with temps like these, you feel a little psycho. Seriously. The temp in my driveway Saturday.
Shocking that 103 on Sunday would feel a little like a relief. More shocking, temps in the 70's Monday.
This among some other small things done this weekend. Lots to do, very little time left. Hope you guys had a good weekend. It was Quilting in the Garden and you can check out the daily blog at the Quilt Show and the C&T blog for photos!

Ok I better get busy. xo
Friday, September 25, 2009
More inspiration from my box of Lecien fabric joy. Nireko really knows how to keep me motivated! These pieces from the 30's collection are wonderful.

Yesterday I used these in a new bag called the Patchy Pouch. Its super easy to make and I think it will be a handy bag to carry. Today I need to write up my basic instructions for Elizabeth, she'll turn them into something everyone else can understand.
Hope you have a good weekend peeps. Keep cool!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
At last.

Today on to something else. Another bag or something. Gotta keep moving forward. Hope its all good with you guys.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Required Reading.

Anyway, it's sewing time as usual. Hope you guys had a fun weekend.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
More Fabric
Trying to work out of my normal color way with this wonderful little pile here. I love this so much.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'm scrambling around here this morning trying to get some stuff done and get ready to go to the fountain of youth. You know the salon. Sorry, I always have to say that and I hope you just learn to put up with it. Because really, it is exactly that. This is old lady country.
No time for artful photos but yesterday Elizabeth passed on the box of pure Lecien goodness to me. Holy cow, I almost had a heart attack with the cuteness. Above Caramel town. Below Lovely Punch. But really, it should just say Pamkittymorning loves Japanese stuff. Because seriously. Yeah.
This is one of my favorites, its from the New Old Fabric line. I'm loving the white as well, and using the blue for an apron. More on that when it's done.
Here's a pile of pink. Really crappy shot but honestly, I need to get this show on the road but I also don't want to dissapoint my peoples.
That's just a small portion of what was in the box. I'll work on more photos later. Nicer, better quality. But I don't have an assistant. I mean I AM the assistant. Holy cow... gotta run. xo

Monday, September 14, 2009
Weathering the Weekend
What a weekend people! Saturday morning it was all about lightening and thunder! It was just crazy. I haven't seen OR HEARD storm like that in ages. Finally, some real weather.

Have a super day. It feels like fall. Well, ok, maybe it just looks a little like it. xo
Friday, September 11, 2009
So its Friday, I don't know where the week slipped away to. It was an exhausting week for some reason, and I'm glad it will be behind me. Today I'm kicking it up, gotta do some grocery shopping for my neighbor, then head to my mother-in-law's to pick up some stuff then its blanket stitching time.
I have the blocks and believe me, it looks like a lot more leaves than was previously mentioned. But honestly people, CUTEST THING EVER.

So have a great weekend peoples. I'll try to be back bright and early Monday with some kind of jibberjabber. But its CRUNCH TIME. xo
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Surprise Meeting
Good morning people! I ran into Roxie and Joe from Thimblecreek at Diana's yesterday. Like me, they were picking up and dropping off quilts for quilting. Diana does an amazing job and I can't wait to get mine bound so I can show you.
Anyway, those of you on the mailing list know that this is Happy Jacks!

And this is the new French General Quilt, I don' t know what Joe will be calling it. You can see his signature tiny pieces.

You can see all of Diana's fancy quilting. Yummy. I maybe scooped Joe.. I looked back through my Thimblecreek Newsletter archive and he hasn't shown a picture! YIKES! Well I'm sure now is the time to email for the kits.

Here's the pile he left behind... look how nice the backs look. All flat and nicely pressed. I love the back to look as nice as the about you?

And this is the new French General Quilt, I don' t know what Joe will be calling it. You can see his signature tiny pieces.

You can see all of Diana's fancy quilting. Yummy. I maybe scooped Joe.. I looked back through my Thimblecreek Newsletter archive and he hasn't shown a picture! YIKES! Well I'm sure now is the time to email for the kits.

Here's the pile he left behind... look how nice the backs look. All flat and nicely pressed. I love the back to look as nice as the about you?
Ok time to get ready, have an appointment out and about then I'm picking up my blanket stitching from Elizabeth. It's yummy, I'll try and scoop her too, but shhhh, don't tell.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Morning Reading
I'm off to Diana's this morning... she's our amazing quilter! Got my borders on last night, I don't know why I put stuff off. Really. What's with that? 

Taking a few minutes to browse through my Quilt Sampler this morning out back on the porch. I love love love Tammy and I'm so excited that her store is featured. The shop is beautiful. You can check out all her weekend party pictures here.
Ok, better get cracking if I want to leave the house at a decent time. OHHH.. and I might be picking up blanket stitching from Elizabeth. Maybe I can get a sneak peek at some of those million leaves.. .its the cutest, believe me. xo peeps.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Back to work
The long weekend is over. I've been watching the news all weekend about the San Francisco Bay Bridge and I'm excited for the sake of all that worked on the bridge, it opened this morning. The new section was moved into place and I have to tell you seeing that on the news was amazing. Last night they were saying the bridge would be closed on more day to repair a cracked beam but holy smokes, the bridge opened up shortly before 7am. You can see more about it here.
The weather was perfect, nice but still cool, today however it's heating up again. Not cool.
A little something new from Lecien that I'm working with. It's the wonderful Grandmother's Flower Garden by Rosalie Quinlan. Couldn't be cuter.

As for other SHOCKING NEWS. I'm on Twitter. I'm so boring half the time it won't even post my tweets or whatever the correct language is. It's more than a little embarrassing.
Ok, I'll try to keep up the posting but the view on to the bed of my sewing machine is secret some of the time.
Ok, I'll try to keep up the posting but the view on to the bed of my sewing machine is secret some of the time.
*** Edited to add SANDY'S BOOK IS AVAILABLE.. check it out here!
Friday, September 04, 2009
Good morning peeps. I'm out back with a book I borrowed from Alex and my coffee. Bret is working from home today and I need to keep it down. Lots of conference calls going on back there in the computer room. Yes, instead of a den we have a computer room chock full of computers and servers and routers and switches.. you get the idea. Thank goodness my netbook and laptop can take over my desk top if necessary, its distracting back there in nerd central.
It's a nice long weekend. I'm looking forward to it. We're not leaving town, just hanging out, maybe doing some more painting and of course sewing. Lots of sewing. We're in hardcore market season.
Just can't resist adding this. One lovely rose beats the heat and isn't a shriveled mess like the rest of them. Man it's been hot.

Have a wonderful SAFE holiday weekend peeps. I'll be waiting here to hear all about it. xo
p.s. thanks for all the lovely bake shop comments and emails! I appreciate your kind words.

Have a wonderful SAFE holiday weekend peeps. I'll be waiting here to hear all about it. xo
p.s. thanks for all the lovely bake shop comments and emails! I appreciate your kind words.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Happy Camping with Moda

Good morning peeps! Today I'm over at the bake shop cookin' up a little set of projects using a charm pack, a honey bun and a little bit of yardage. Hope you like it!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Out and About
Yesterday Elizabeth and I headed out to meet Holly over in Mill Valley. Luckily we remembered the Champagne French Bakery and Cafe from an outing a couple of years ago, and knew we had to get back there. The place couldn't be cuter and the company better.

Worth it. Totally.

Ok peeps, back to reality today. More photos over here and here.