Monday, April 18, 2011


This is exactly how I feel today.

How about you? Did you have a good weekend? I spent my working working, but I know I'm not alone in that. Elizabeth and I are getting together for a little meeting to catch up on what's what. Then back to the grindsto.. I mean sewing machine. What's new with you?


Blogger Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

i'm with you on the coffee!!! working on cuppa one...then cuppa two...and if there is a way to have a third, then that, too.

i've been sooooooo ...and not SEW.... busy the past few weeks and am catching up on some friends. have fun hanging around with elizabeth.

hey, i am now in the antique mall in salida. if y'all are down this 16. crammed to the gills with my junkola.


7:31 AM  
Blogger Glenna @ Hollyhock Quilts said...

Mornin' to you! Have a great day!

7:46 AM  
Blogger Miss Jean said...

I've been down for the count as I threw out my back. Something I do periodically. I'm on my second cuppa today and starting to feel almost human....

9:36 AM  
Blogger Lori Holt said...

Well you can imagine I am up to exactly the same thing! gives me comfort to know that we are on the same page though...see you soon girl!!!!



12:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just remember how lucky you are to be sewing for market and getting to go also!!!!!!!

1:43 PM  
Blogger mascanlon said...

So looking forward to seeing what you've been up too!

5:11 AM  
Blogger Nanette Merrill said...

My life is out of kilter. I think you're really feeling that right now. I know exactly what the cup feels like.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Wenchequilts said...

Hi! I'm doing some designing and sewing today, horray for Easter holidays! Hope to see you in Salt lake city! Hugs from Norway

2:17 AM  
Blogger Faith said...

I LOVE your coffee cup - it ties with my other favorite:
"No Coffee - No Workee"!

12:04 PM  
Blogger Sharon said...

I LOVE that coffee cup.

6:38 PM  

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