"I Tumble For You"
Well Elizabeth and I are finally back home from our big trip to fall quilt market!!! It was quite an exciting adventure. But before I go into the story, here's the best shot I got of the booth.
Pretty much after this point, the finishing up of the booth, the trip took a bit of a downturn for me, starting happily with a walk over to the delightful Fabric 2.0 party and ending with me taking a bit of a spill out back. And believe me, didn't even have a cocktail to blame it on.

From that point forward, my ability to run around seeing people was severely limited and that was such a disappointment. Thankfully, I hear there are a slew of wonderful pictures online, and I can't wait to just sit down and look at all the things I missed. And the people, ohmygosh I missed seeing so many people.
So in the mean time, I'll put my feet up, get out my laptop and look around. I missed you guys.. what are you up to??? xop
Oh Pam, how disappointing for you. I've done this before, and it just makes everything so challenging. But we are all glad that you and Elizabeth are back safe and sound.
Oh man...sorry you got hurt. Did you break anything or just sprain it?
I checked your blog everyday to see what was what in Texas...hope you are well on your way to a full recovery.
Oh Pam -- sorry you got hurt! That must have happened after I saw you. I finally got a few minutes at the end of the last day and I walked the aisles looking for your booth to say goodbye and couldn't remember where it was. I hope you're feeling better by now!
Polly just asked me yesterday "what happened to PKM?" No posts! Sorry to hear about your fall. I hope it gets better very soon. The booth was lovely.
Oh dear, we all wondered what happened to you being quiet is just not like you! Hope you are on the mend!
So sorry to learn that you were hurt and didn't get to enjoy Quilt Mart - especially after all your hard work to get there.
Hope you're mending well and will be feeling all better soon!
Trust me, your tumble hurt me a lot more than it hurt you. ;-b Elizabeth's booth was adorable! I missed the sprinkler sign. ADORABLE! Feel better. We need you back on your feet!
sorry to hear about your accident! there is always next year to look forward to, right?
the booth looks great!
Yikes, that was bad luck! Hope you are on the mend.
The booth looks glorious though.
The sacrifices you make for your peeps! You didn't tell everyone that you hurt yourself jumping in front of a speeding forklift about to ruthlessly crush a sweet little bundle of fat quarters. ;)
I'm glad you're home safe and sound, and I'm glad you took such a terrific picture of Elizabeth's beautiful booth and all that lovely fabric. As happy as I was to have pictures of you and Elizabeth IN the booth, I completely forgot to take one of just the booth. Duh!
Rest. Have some coffee. Catch-up. It's less than six months before you have to do this all over again... only a tiny bit closer to home. :)
So sorry to hear that you took at tumble on the wild side..... yikes! That's gotta hurt. But glad that you are home safe and sound. Miss E's booth was adorable... as per usual. Can't wait to see what you discover that I have missed as I have scoured Blogland!! Take care my friend!
I'm sorry to hear about your accident. I feel for you. Being limited is a very hard thing. Take it from me!!!
Oh...I hope you're getting better...now I get the Boy George song title...take care...I can't wait to meet you at spring market. And Elizabeth's booth is just beautiful...a fresh breeze!
Sorry to hear about the spill you took. Loved seeing and reading everyone's posts and pictures. Some good stuff is coming!
The booth looks so pretty, I heart the soft colors there. I love the sign you have up, "Sprinkler Check in Progress". Maybe you could say you tripped over a sprinkler. Hope there is no permanent damage. Aches and pains = NO FUN!
I'm so glad you're home and keeping your foot up. BUT YOU KNOW DAMN WELL where I want you to go. Don't make me come down there and drag you there. I ? you and want you better. xoxo
Oh Pam, So sorry you went all that way and then got hurt:((. Hope you are feeling better soon. Do whatever you have to do to take care of yourself now. We love our Pam, we do not want her hurting.
Oh no, did you break something? Take it easy and pamper yourself! Remember to keep us posted on your progress, we all worry about you like older sisters!
Well, your tumble sure didn't keep you quiet. Ha, ha! Hey, I might have a prize or 2 for you and Elizabeth but I wouldn't know where to send them. Could you help me out with that?
Oh, PKM, I am so sorry to hear you were hurt. Was this before or after I saw you in the booth? I hope all is well now. It just plain stinks not to be able to blame it on a drink.
Pam, do sorry you have an owie. That surely dampened your socializing. The booth looks great. Glad you are home safe & sound. You'll have to fill me in on all the quilt market gossip. Miss you. xos
I will always feel terrible about the various things you had to endure this time around ;). Hopefully someday it'll all be hysterically funny. I had no idea when I made you that stool that you'd actually need it!
Pam - I am so sorry to read about your tumble. I know from experience how bad they can be. My last one left me with a black eye. Hope you are on the mend soon.
Such a beautiful booth. Love the basket of flowers.
Well, the booth was beautiful, but I am sorry to hear that you fell...a long time faller myself, it is never fun.
A beautiful booth and block! Congratulations on being included in 100 Blocks.
The booth is gorgeous!! So sorry about your accident. Hope you are okay by now.
I hope you are feeling better now. The feature in 10 blocks should be good medicine, right?
I put a few pics of our trip up on my blog. We went to visit the new baby elephant at the zoo. Really cute!
Pam, how did I not know you were injured?! You have so much energy I never would have guessed. Hope you are getting some rest and healing now. Hope Elizabeth gave you that little foot rest to prop up your foot!
Oh my goodness! i had no idea! hope you're ok, Pam. Jeez, now i feel so extra lucky to have seen you...TWICE no less. big hugs and hope you've recovered. xox
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