
Friday, July 29, 2022

Treat Yo Self

 Hi friends!  How is the summer/winter  going? Can you believe we're at the tail end of July already?  As usual time seems to be zooming by lately.   No disrespect to those of you that love summer and it's  hot weather, I am not a fan. 

                                             LDH Sewing Shears

Anyway about treating myself.  Do you follower Minki Kim, @zeriano, on Instagram?  She makes a lot of really wonderful projects and is a fabric designer as well.  I'm sure you already follow her.  Anyway I watch a lot of her sewing videos over on her you-tube channel.  I find them so peaceful to watch, I keep the sound off, but even the music in the background is calming. Sometimes I sit in the morning with coffee and watch her stitch away.  But back to treating myself....

Minki often uses some beautiful black sewing shears and the way that they cut through fabric is mesmerizing to me.  In all the years I have sewn, I've always used inexpensive 'over-the-counter' fabric shears.  They work for a while and then they are doomed to become paper shears or worse, relegated to the garage!   I've treated myself to a lot of smaller fancy scissors but never a pain of long shears. 

ldh sewing shears

One day earlier this year I was cutting with some scissors that were reaching retirement age and I decided to research what scissors Minki uses and ordered myself a pair.  I was watching this video where she slices through a quilt-as-you-go panel and I knew I HAD TO HAVE THEM.   

LDH Sewing Shears

So they're LDH Midnight Edition Fabric Shears, 9 inch length.  Worth every penny, they glide through fabric, it's really amazing.  I'm so happy I ordered them. They have a nice weight, heavier than your basic scissors, but they feel good.  I'm being very careful not to knock them off my ironing board or sewing table with my irresponsible behavior.   But I love them.  I'm not sponsored by them or anything just a big fan.  

I think about how I used to just blog away about nothing in particular,  like scissors or Trader Joe tamales for lunch, of about coffee.  I miss it.  I have been thinking about the scissors and thought it might be fun to write about it.  Its easy to post a picture on instagram and say look at my new scissors but then I couldn't tell you how much I like Minki's you tube videos and all her pretty pictures, maybe you'd like them too.   In the mean time I do love seeing everyone's photos on IG, so I'm sure I'll see you there, and maybe post a picture of my scissors.  But we'll both know the real story.  Treat yourself friends, to a walk outside, a breath of fresh air, a cup of coffee  and some sewing or some pretty scissors.  You're worth it. xop


  1. Beautiful scissors! I agree that we should treat ourselves whenever we feel the need. Good for you, Pam.

    Lately I've been missing blogging!

  2. Thank you Pam! For the recommendation and the post!

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  4. I love a good pair of scissors! I treated myself a few years ago, when I was in a knife shop, with my son. They are pretty amazing. BTW one of the knife makers in that shop won an award for The Sharpest Knife. Now that is a contest!! Love ya, Miss ya! Julie

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  7. Those scissors are absolutely beautiful! I completely agree that we deserve to treat ourselves whenever we feel the urge to do so. Well done, Pam!

    Recently, I've been experiencing a sense of longing for blogging.

  8. Beautiful scissors! I agree that we should treat ourselves whenever we feel the need. keep sharing it

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