Pass the cough drops
Hi there friends! how are you? I've been coughing up a storm, not sure if I've caught whatever Bret has or I'm just having problems with the smoke in the air, but cough cough cough is all I do. It's a toss up considering all the smoke in the air from the fires buring away in California.
In the meantime I've tackled another Moda Blockheads 2 block. I may or may not have been influence by my ironing board!
Lots of triangles in this block by Lynne from Kansas Troubles. My triangle piecing isn't that great, but I made my little half square triangle blocks and got out my Clearly Perfect Slotted Trimmers from Kari and trimmed them up. Holy cow my segments went together perfectly with no nudging or pulling and I felt like I was winning at life.
I've tried all kinds of methods and tools but this one is my favorite. I'm just not the piecer I used to be and honestly I was never that great. I've had to use a lot of gentle persuasion over the years to make things line up. This time, all good. Of course I did get a little prideful and the last corner unit I attached had to be talked into working out which goes to show me I ought not get too full of myself. Pride and all that!
My blocks are looking like a jumbled mess, not sure how I like the combos I have going. Everyone's blocks all look so good together, mine look like they have an identity crisis going on.
Oh well. Whatever, it's all in fun right? I have spent some time thinking about how to handle the three blocks I haven't done yet and how I can use them to make these make sense. Or maybe I'll slam them all together and just say hey, what the heck. Or maybe I'll get distracted by something else and WHO KNOWS WHAT CAN HAPPEN.
So that's it. Happy weekend people! Stay safe friends! xop